[$110/hr] 6+ Holdem coaching from a 27bb/EV winrate crusher at NL200
Hi guys, my name is Karlis and my screenname on pokerstars is coixdog. I am the only official shortdeck holdem (aka 6+) coach on the 6+ discord group. With other games getting tougher, 6+ is one of the few games where you can have 20+bb winrate with some quick coaching. I will let my results below speak for themselves. I can provide you with coaching and everything else you need to begin crushing this soft game. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on discord (coixdog#9474) or PM me. If you are unable to reach me, email me at [email]karlisliepins372@gmail.com[/email] and I will get in touch with you
thanks 😀
22 September 2021 at 12:39 AM
2 Replies
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NL50 6max shortdeck. raked 10k in 70k hands is 28bb/100 rake...wtf?