[Peregrine2023] Exclusive elite poker course - no more than 100 seats

[Peregrine2023] Exclusive elite poker course - no more than 100 seats

Hello, fellow poker players!

My name is Peregrine and I am presenting to you an advanced poker course (Table Stakes No Limit Texas Hold'em).

I am inviting members of the community to become premium students of mine.

Ideally, I am looking to have a number of intermediate students, ideally no more than 100, who have a keen desire to advance to world class.

Who is this for
This program is for true pilgrims of the game. It is for people who love the game.

Why you should purchase this course and what benefits do you get
This is a course on exploitative play. People simply do not play GTO at the lower levels, not even close. There are a lot of limiting beliefs in poker. We will be breaking them for fun and profit. There are many dimensions of the game that are still largely unexplored. We will be exploring them as well.

If you tell people what you will get to know, then you will get laughed at. You will see cognitive dissonance at work. People will start leaving tables, once they see you perform certain plays. They would not be able to handle the challenge.

People cannot admit they might be below your skill level. And they would not accept that the strategies you would be using against them might end up correct and could work, in spite of looking nonsensical at first glance. If they admit it works it would hurt their ego. Deep down, most nits/regs do not want to profit, not really - they want the safety in the numbers. If 1000 other people are break-even regs, that’s OK to them, because it gives them comfort and reason to socialize with fellow losers and curse the outcome.

The truth is that people have not evolved to survive under poker conditions. People do not even understand compound interest in the way they understand cooking and martial arts. "How can this fish be so lucky every time?"

Many things poker players have learned are so 2003. The most important skill you could learn in this day and age is how to unlearn. There is a lot to unlearn, or alternatively, to generalize it, adapt it, and apply it correctly thereafter.

Using the knowledge in this course, you may be able to massacre many adversaries up to the high mid levels, maybe even the nosebleeds, notwithstanding that the higher levels you play, the more adaptable the opposition, and the less exploitable it is, generally speaking.
You can only truly own your adversaries if you have some kind of an edge/knowledge they do not have.
Today, regulars are the fish. True calling stations are relatively rare. They are rare, because they spew away their money very fast. One aspect of your game will be to take away fish's money faster than the regulars could do it. You would be able to break your own inner autopilot and many of your purely habitual tendencies. You cannot beat regs by outregging them in their game. You have to have another type of game. This is what this course is mostly about.

You can have an obscene win rate. Most people will say this is not credible: 20 to 60bb per 100 hands.
This is achievable, but beware that you cannot impose this win rate onto the opposition unilaterally. It is them who would allow you to achieve it. You do not control the win rate. However, if you are equipped to handle the situations that present themselves, then you might have the chance to win that big.

Of course, and needless to say, if everybody performs these strategies, then everybody would have a negative win rate because of the rake. This is still a zero-sum game.

Therefore I will be selling this course to a small number of players, because after all, my students deserve to be able to have an unique advantage. This is what you get in consideration of making the purchase.

Last, but not least, with the course you will also get a copy of a poker calculator I have developed.
I have called it PokerAntenna. And pun intended, the name has something to do with gain. Antennas have gain. And so is your poker game supposed to.

The calculator is complementary (and “orthogonal”😉 to PokerStove, i.e. what PokerStove never was.

Who will benefit the most
People with general open mind and curiosity to learn cutting edge concepts.
People who have the ambition to climb levels aggressively and to master the game, like Isildur1. The minders, not the common grinder.
This is for aspiring elite players, who strive to apply higher-level thinking.

For the low stakes players - this knowledge will pay itself off very quickly.
For mid stakes players - this knowledge is something to augment your skill set, even if you are a consistently winning. Why not start winning even more?

I am leaving major money on the table here. I can monetize this ad infinitum, but I don’t want to.
I will be leaving poker in the very near future, for my own reasons, and I have no need to play poker anymore. That is why I will be giving away my knowledge to a group of select few, albeit not for free.

Welcome to visit my website and sign up for the program !

and/or contact me via my email address:

By all means, tell me (by email) why you LOVE the game, and get a free sample from the course in return.
Thank you and welcome !

21 August 2023 at 07:22 PM