Monker Solver based coaching PLO/PLO8/NLHE MTT
I am retired mtt/plohu/plo6m player who are willing to help you improve your game using mostly EXPLOITATIVE perspective using monker solver. I can provide you desired simulations (That aren't tainted like the most you can browse in browser type sites) with charts, or teach you how to improve your monker solver abilities to use it to maximum with minimal effort. Pricing is based on the hours i need to make the content so it varies from person to person. First 30mins is free. If you make cooperation with me you get discord/skype/telegram/etc. support.
Regards hazel
1 Reply
Im back on grind, updating my poker graph from 10th march up to now
The game is PLO 2/4(4) 70% vpip mandatory, the game have some crazy swings in it but is beatable: