[TopPair2Pair] [$200p/h] HE/PLO / Life Mentoring...

[TopPair2Pair] [$200p/h] HE/PLO / Life Mentoring...

Offering coaching in 2025,

I will only be accepting 21 students at a time.

Building a stable in 2026, you should be aged 18-27 ((if you are a talented individual over this age still living with your mum/mom I will consider you, however, you'll have to complete a free session for 1 hour where I will ask you to complete an IQ test whilst sharing the screen) and some other Python tests of my choice).

I'll get verified in due course, just request in thread and I will do it.

The coaching is Python based drilling to memorise hand charts against villains. We will build software of your choice and I will teach you how to drill yourself. Block booking is available.

Any questions just ask. Payment is required in Bitcoin, address below. Each session will start with you sending me a bitcoin payment in thread, confirmation received in thread and session will begin. Feedback should be provided in thread. If you have never sent bitcoin before, send $1 first and do not send the rest until I have confirmed receipt in this thread.

If you can't follow these simple instructions I cannot work with you.

Mined bitcoin is preferred, and I will check you address history, no scummy addresses that have received illicit funds. This will result in a report.

NOTE: All engagements must be done publicly via 2p2 forums.

Much Love

) 2 Views 2
11 November 2024 at 06:13 PM

5 Replies


lol gtfo


by DooDooPoker k

lol gtfo

Pls post a chart of your last 100K hands. lets talk

also, free life advice, get off ipoker, and tolerate gg. send me a buy-in when you have to eat some humble pie in 2026. looking forward to it!
