Pokerconverters should we trust them?

Pokerconverters should we trust them?

Hello everyone!

Would like people who deal with programming and similar things to give some comment and opinion about third party programs known as converters primarily about the safety of the players who use them...

I wonder if there is a chance that they can somehow see my cards or in any way get some advantage or information that they shouldn't?

It seems to me that they are asking for more and more information lately but I'm a programming and IT noob.
You know which program I mean Asianconverter,Kingshands,Elitehud..


28 October 2023 at 03:15 PM

1 Reply

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I am surprised by the few comments on this topic.
This deserves a deeper discussion because they are used by almost all players who play on applications.
Talking about elitehud /asianconverter.
