How to play online poker with 100% RB (paying no rake)?

How to play online poker with 100% RB (paying no rake)?

There's at least a hundred of thousand across the globe with an internet access who're already playing poker and willing to pay rake. I doubt 5% of them know or are aware they could be playing/grinding online poker with no rake. I've been playing online poker since 2004, but stopped around 2012, came back around 2015-2016 and been only playing casually, mainly cause I noticed I had to gamble with a lot more to win a lot less, and my good hands didn't hold like they used.

I am making this thread, because I no longer am willing to pay rake when I don't have to. To play poker you need two things:

1) opponent to play
2) a place/client to play together

The more challenging part is 1) because with the rise of censorship and everyone stuck on using one search provider "google" it's becoming more challenging to find what you're searching, but from the hundreds of thousands out there you can find one individual who's willing to play with/against you (starting at low stakes). The challenge is finding a trustworthy individual who will honor the agreement, but if this agreement is accomplished that trust will build over time and both of you will accomplish what hundreds of thousands don't, which is playing poker without paying rake.

Finding a place/client to play together it's easy, because there's many online poker clients public/private where you can play poker with "play" money (not real $), and during the end of the session based on the chips you lose/make at the end of the week send/transfer each other that balance. I decided to make this thread, because I am fed up of seeing only few poker providers having this excuse it's "too costly" to give more than 30-35% rakeback, or charging a lot more rake than from 15+ years ago.

The hustler casino is one great example that all you need is a bunch of people and a place to start the game of poker. Online poker just brings a lot more convenience, but still paying so much rake for that convenience and battling some of the best players from millions of residents (like within my Ontario province), I mean, why would I put myself through that? Here in Ontario there's 15 mil + population and ggpoker and stars both combined have like 300-500 players total, and at NL 100-200 there's already like 10 or less grinding every night, and makes sense given the rake.

I would play vs any type of player regardless than keep paying this ridiculous rake, and then I also look at my variance. The benefit is both of you will get to select different client, and I would advice you use one of those older (classic) ones from early 2000, because if you do, well you'll see yourself how that will be. If would be nice 2+2 make a dedicated section where individuals can find poker buddies/opponents/partners. Anyone from Ontario who's interested I haven't played heads up, but I'm willing to play it and keep improving in the process. We can start with $10-25 max buy-in, in the end if someone scams me for $100-200 for the week I would be OK with it, because I already pay a lot more than that in rake itself. Direct message me here if interested, thx.

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03 June 2023 at 08:21 AM

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It is of course doable with trustworthy people, friends, family,etc. on a platform like If you are looking to play with strangers the best thing I can see is HU. Since you're in Canada and if you play with a Canadian player, the losing player can easily etransfer losses to the winner. Of course the main issue remaining is trust. Will the losing player pay what he owes...
