ACR RNG? ALL IN= WIN? 96%-=4% Ls
I've Been playing on ACR now for a couple years I have over 200,000 Hands played! I've been noticing A trend that is happening More then it should be....
1.) I've noticed if your the one Jamming/Going ALL IN! I'm really confident it gives you a edge to win the hand no matter what the holdings are! I've started documenting how many times I've lost and won on both sides of the equity percentages!
For instance how many times I jam all in and am 80%+ to win and I end up losing. And visa Versa how many times I Jam/ALL IN and I'm the underdog 2-20% to win and end up winning. I'm not done with all the testing but I know from experience and from the time playing in the site, you have a better chance of winning if you are the player going all in no matter what the equity is. It's as if the software awards aggression! Which I know in Live poker being aggressive can help you win more pots! But it doesn't change the outcome of what cards come on the flop turn and river like it does on ACR.... Like Sammy Farha said "The One Who Bets The Most Wins. Cards Just Break Ties."
I will write more on this subject again soon, after more analysis and evidence to support my theory. I encourage everyone who plays on this site to take a deeper dive for themselves and all us players to have a fair playing experience... I'm certain if a investigation was to happen something would come of this... At least take a look into the software and the RNG!! I look forward to hearing back from you all! Good Luck On the Felt!