Poker sites colluding

Poker sites colluding

It's the oldest trick in the book. Accuse the good guy of the crime your committing and no one looks in your direction. The colluding that destroyed online poker is every poker site upping the cap on ring games 5X to10x from what is was. The intension is the result that is the end of online poker. Every poker site parent is an online slot machine company with revenue from poker sites not touching the 1% of revenue slots makes for them. Guaranteed loss is not gambling in the case of slots and raking a game that profits reflect hard work and dedication is at the other end of the slots spectrum destroying souls from those looking for a bit of harmless fun. All we see is the poker players they sponsor to be the face of something that covers up the crime

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19 February 2022 at 10:51 AM

5 Replies

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When 2 companies in a market copy pricing instead of competing it's called collusion. Its basically a crime to rip off the consumer and make criminals filthy rich. Instead of a company striving for new ways to keep there customer happy and all the good things that come with a free market (innovation quality/productivity etc) . There are endless strategies. not taught openly on collusion or cartel behavor because it's illegal. It's really obvious when it occurs, as the prices are all around the same and the idea's but mostly you never butt heads with each other.
Instead of two companies pushing each other to get better, you get two companies that makes lots of money that can cover up this type of crime. Instead of earning your loyalty they can then pay for it with the money they took first. Online poker is the easiest example to see hard core collusion. 50 even 100 companies with virtually the same rake structure or revenue source. The cost to run a 1-2 table is the same as a free roll and all sites go for the same rake. It's set at a rate to guaranteed the end of online poker.
You need to create your own regalatory bodies for this and internal site employment that is unknown and not part of the poker community. Pay every pro that has a public profile so it looks like a good option and not a subsiduary of a slot company.
Basically cover every base so there is virtually zero chance of success and the whole thing dies out leaving a button to push until the money runs out. Misery and suffering and destruction to all that cross it's path over hapiness and joy that poker is capable of providing along with employment and security for those who work the hardest is for many men the meaning of life. All sites are very aware of the damages to society they are causing by the fact of the massive cover up of its occurance.
Bots superusers collusion teams all welcome to plunder. Every site acting the same to hide their intensions. Knowing the problem can be the only way of solution and that aint happening

by jakeyboy k

When 2 companies in a market copy pricing instead of competing it's called collusion.

No, there needs to be cooperation for it to be collusion.

I'm not saying this means it is or isn't happening, just that similar or the same pricing doesn't automatically prove collusion.

by Bobo Fett k

No, there needs to be cooperation for it to be collusion.

I'm not saying this means it is or isn't happening, just that similar or the same pricing doesn't automatically prove collusion.

Slightly off topic, but you are wrong. You are referring to explicit collusion, but the phenomenon of “implicit collusion” is also a very real thing. Look it up, but as a poker player you should already know this.

Naw maine acr and ignition got no cullusion bruh. Well I aint ever seen it on them sites and I play a lot homie. Some of the smaller poker clubs have it thought bruh... You just gotta report and if the site don't ban them then stay away from them playas. But honestly homie most people just playin tryin have some fun or get betta at the game. Unless they whales if regs play 100% hands against you in teams ya they teamin. Or they got bots or some of them be time bankin tryin use that rta. It aint that many people though or I wouldn't be makin money maine.

Ooh i see you sayin the sites is colludin? You reachin there bruh. Yall they make so much from slots they aint gotta collude in poker. Poker just brings them a little traffic. No casino period got a poker room for profit maine. Its just to bring that traffic. Same with sports betting its just bring traffic bruh for them other games they get that ev on bruh.

by Bobo Fett k

No, there needs to be cooperation for it to be collusion.

I'm not saying this means it is or isn't happening, just that similar or the same pricing doesn't automatically prove collusion.

if they do it like walmart and go cheaper then they would complain its monopolizing yall. Thats as low as they can go on their prices without losing a ton of money is alll so they all the same. They aint talkin to each other about how to price everything. They just runnin their business best they can and cheap as they can for the playas. If you look at online poker with crypto they even cheaper on that rake cause they got less costs. It aint got nuttin to do with collusion bruh. Inflation is a nasty thing bruh makes costs go up it aint to end poker bruh to the op.
