Ignition/Bovada Cheating?
Seeing the HH from the GG cheating poker scandal made me suspicious of hands that I had played on ignition. I have been a winning mid/hi stakes player for over 5 years. This summer i began to suspect something was up on ignition. Very strange plays that made no sense only happening in higher mtt buy-ins. I play mostly on ignition and Chico but stopped playing higher BI on ignition because something felt off. I have tagged all the bad whales on Chico using sharkscope. They play very predictably bad. Over valuing top pair type hands, bluffing into boards that dont favor their range ,typical bad plays that made sense. The "bad" players on igintion where making plays that made no logical sense. Shipping in 6x pot on rivers with massive bluffs or for value when I had strong hands to call with. I spoke with friends of mine and they assured me it was the anonymous nature of ignition that bad players would make these plays because they couldn't be tagged. I continued to play lower BI and a few higher BIs on that i thought were good value. I shipped the Sunday main in October and decided to play more high BI tournies. Again i began to see very suspicous play. It's a kind of spewyness that I have never seen anywhere else. As poker players we are pattern recognition experts. Thats when i saw some of the HH from the GG scandal and immeadiatly recognized these weird min leads followed by huge turn and river bets. Sometime I call sometimes I fold but often times I would see very illogical bluffs or middling value hands that should never be betting for pot or over pot given the board textures.
I have no proof and no HH as of now but ask the community to start tagging hands at higher BI that follow strange patterns. I would like to here from other players no matter which side of the conversation you are on.
4 Replies
i put in some volume recently on iggy cash games and checked a lot of my hands the day after with hole cards revealed and there was like 2 or 3 hands out of a few hundred that went post that were super sus like collusion / being forced out of pot by two people playing together. Thankfully it was like 2 or 3 out of a few hundred or a thousand as far as i can tell, i can post the hands if theres interest kinda cba rn tho if no one cares
Do they always ch/f when you flop something and call every bluff?
always? probably not. but I cant remember the last time I had a value bet get called. I can get a lot of action with my bluffs though.
I have a few questions.
Does Iggy have an all in equity feature?
Some players and myself have noticed that players will stay in with trash and hit runners to win in a much higher frequency. This players normally leave the table after hitting. Can Iggy's rabbit card feature be hacked a similar way moneytaker69 hacked GGs thumbs up feature? I fear some cheats can know the run out this way.
Ignition almost certainly has bots and collusion at higher stakes. However, I think you probably faced bad players. I have seen a player go all in with 42o in a 300+25 MTT before. Good cheaters won't make mistakes in their fundamentals like you described.
i put in some volume recently on iggy cash games and checked a lot of my hands the day after with hole cards revealed and there was like 2 or 3 hands out of a few hundred that went post that were super sus like collusion / being forced out of pot by two people playing together. Thankfully it was like 2 or 3 out of a few hundred or a thousand as far as i can tell, i can post the hands if theres interest kinda cba rn tho if no one cares
Im interested