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31 December 2023 at 10:26 PM

51 Replies


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Scots vs AI

The reason you guys can't win 10bb is because of all the small ball poker u play. Min raises, 1/3 bets, etcc. U bet small, play small pots, and u are going to win small.

by jungmit k

The reason you guys can't win 10bb is because of all the small ball poker u play. Min raises, 1/3 bets, etcc. U bet small, play small pots, and u are going to win small.

If you are this clueless about modern poker, why should anyone take your RNG FUD at all seriously?

by jungmit k

The reason you guys can't win 10bb is because of all the small ball poker u play. Min raises, 1/3 bets, etcc. U bet small, play small pots, and u are going to win small.

this statement proves you know nothing about modern poker and you have no idea what you are talking about.

[QUOTE='Darki[Per];58540518']this statement proves you know nothing about modern poker and you have no idea what you are talking about.[/QUOTE]

Well I won more then 5bb /100 and I don't min raise

[QUOTE='Darki[Per];58540518']this statement proves you know nothing about modern poker and you have no idea what you are talking about.[/QUOTE]

Think about it the win rates are higher in pot limit Omaha why is that? because most people don't make min raises or one third pot size bets. Most times in pot limit Omaha people are raising pot and their betting close to the pot so it creates bigger pots bigger pots means higher win rates.

by jungmit k

Think about it the win rates are higher in pot limit Omaha why is that? because most people don't make min raises or one third pot size bets. Most times in pot limit Omaha people are raising pot and their betting close to the pot so it creates bigger pots bigger pots means higher win rates.

it doesn't mean that, bigger pots just means higher standard deviation, not higher winrates

good regs have higher winrates in PLO because recreational players make bigger mistakes in PLO and there is a larger gap in skill level between regulars in PLO than in NLHE

I am saying just do the math. The reason people win more money and live poker at the same stakes it's not necessarily because the players are worse, which they might be it's mostly because the pots are bigger. If you're going to keep the pot small you're going to win less money that's just simple math. I don't understand why people online don't get this. The win rates at pot limit Omaha are bigger because nobody makes these small bats. So most of the hands are heads up just like six Max hold them but the win rates are at least double. You have to ask yourself why. The reason is because they don't make the small bats the parts are always bigger because people are betting pot or close to pot

dude if you bet 20% on flop and 100% on turn in a 3bet pot, you're not "keeping the pot small" just because you c-bet 20%

you still end up all in by the river

Jungmit isn't worth engaging. He's already demonstrated he doesn't understand math with his RNG fixing rants. He's also missing the forest for the trees on why the average per street percentage bet sizing at PLO is generally larger than NLHE.

Amazing he's been on these forums since at least 2007.

by Xenoblade k

dude if you bet 20% on flop and 100% on turn in a 3bet pot, you're not "keeping the pot small" just because you c-bet 20%

you still end up all in by the river

That could be true, but u get a ton of folds on turn with the bigger bets. So u win more pots but they are smaller. So at 200nl u raise to $4 pf. Get 1 caller pot is $8. Flop u bet say $3 villain calls. So $14 in pot. Turn u bomb $20 u get a ton of folds so u win $14 less rake and half of the money u put in. Now say u raise to $8 of one caller u already got $16 in this pot. U cbet $12 get a call pot is $40. So this over and over and your win rate will increase.

by tarheels2222 k

Jungmit isn't worth engaging. He's already demonstrated he doesn't understand math with his RNG fixing rants. He's also missing the forest for the trees on why the average per street percentage bet sizing at PLO is generally larger than NLHE.

Amazing he's been on these forums since at least 2007.

The average street in PLO is bigger because people bet more. 1. To make people pay to chase. 2 to protect hand. 3 they afraid of getting sucked out on.

Well said.

by jungmit k

The average street in PLO is bigger because people bet more. 1. To make people pay to chase. 2 to protect hand. 3 they afraid of getting sucked out on.

Jungmit is still in this forum since 2007 because he's been winning more than 10bb/ 100 hands since that point

amazing how just one poster can derail this much and waste everyone's time xD, no offense btw jungmit this isn't personal it's just its clear you don't understand this matter.

by jungmit k

I am saying just do the math. The reason people win more money and live poker at the same stakes it's not necessarily because the players are worse, which they might be it's mostly because the pots are bigger. If you're going to keep the pot small you're going to win less money that's just simple math. I don't understand why people online don't get this. The win rates at pot limit Omaha are bigger because nobody makes these small bats. So most of the hands are heads up just like six Max hold the

No the people playing live is worse. One very big evidence of this is that the rake is usually extremely high live. If online sites had the same rake structure games wouldnt be beatable.

2nd no pot size doesn't matter, you could technically play smaller sizings in PLO and play wider ranges. Or play bigger sizings in NL and tighter ranges.

[QUOTE='Darki[Per];58548039']amazing how just one poster can derail this much and waste everyone's time xD, no offense btw jungmit this isn't personal it's just its clear you don't understand this matter.[/QUOTE]

So I have to stay on the topic that you want to discuss? So if anybody else wants to talk about a different topic that has to do with ignition poker they're not allowed to because you're talking about a different topic? I mean you are free to keep posting about the topic you want to talk about but this is the public forum I can also post about the topic I want to talk about

by Badreg2019 k

No the people playing live is worse. One very big evidence of this is that the rake is usually extremely high live. If online sites had the same rake structure games wouldnt be beatable.

2nd no pot size doesn't matter, you could technically play smaller sizings in PLO and play wider ranges. Or play bigger sizings in NL and tighter ranges.

The games would not be beatable online with a bigger rake because the parts are smaller. If the pots are bigger the rake is less of a factor. So all the men raising and one third pot bets keep the pots small. If you were playing 200 no limit hold'em and the average part was $120 the game would be beatable if the rake was $7 a pot just like in a live game. In live poker the pots are bigger that's why it's beatable with a bigger rake. Back before Black Friday people were crushing games at 15 and 20 big blinds per hundred hands. How are they doing that? Well the average raise back then at a one two game was to like 10 or 12 dollars pre-flop it wasn't $4 like it is now. So just for math sake if you win a $30 pot and a site takes $3 in rake it's 10%. But if the pot is bigger like say $85 and they take a $3 rake well that's way less than 10%. As soon as you get the pot over the maximum rate amount the rest of the money is pure profit because there's no rake on it

Any regs here mix limps, 2x, 2.5x HU on the button? I feel like it's just the bots.

Here is an example of the cheating that happens all day long at 200NL:

BTN raises to $6, I make $23 from SB, BB makes it $44, BTN call $44.

BB that made it 44 had 109o, BTN had AA.

The entire point is to get me in a 4 bet pot when one of them knows the other has the nuts. There is basically no hand that I can 3bet from SB and not call another $21 there and they know that. They stack me and both accounts instantly leave.

by Gemaco k

Here is an example of the cheating that happens all day long at 200NL:

BTN raises to $6, I make $23 from SB, BB makes it $44, BTN call $44.

BB that made it 44 had 109o, BTN had AA.

The entire point is to get me in a 4 bet pot when one of them knows the other has the nuts. There is basically no hand that I can 3bet from SB and not call another $21 there and they know that. They stack me and both accounts instantly leave.

so what did you 3bet in the SB with?

by WSPreadHead k

so what did you 3bet in the SB with?

I was probably a little out of line with my exact hand but that doesn't change the dynamics of the hand. They know that a lot of times the SB is just going to jam and get in, and if they call they are in a 3 way pot with you with an SPR of about 1.

by Gemaco k

Here is an example of the cheating that happens all day long at 200NL:

BTN raises to $6, I make $23 from SB, BB makes it $44, BTN call $44.

BB that made it 44 had 109o, BTN had AA.

The entire point is to get me in a 4 bet pot when one of them knows the other has the nuts. There is basically no hand that I can 3bet from SB and not call another $21 there and they know that. They stack me and both accounts instantly leave.

This isn't cheating, it's you spewing lols ... everyone crying ITT is just obv bad and its funny

by sah_24 k

This isn't cheating, it's you spewing lols ... everyone crying ITT is just obv bad and its funny

Maybe I am just out of my element then.

For those that play on other sites and Bodog - is it really that common for people to cold call so many 3bets/4bets? Maybe that is just how online poker is in 2024 and the game has passed me by. Open to that conclusion.
