ClubGG PokerCraft Issues
I'm new to these forums, so please forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong place. I have also already made this same post on Reddit but just thought I could bring more attention to it here.
I recently bought a ClubGG membership exclusively for PokerCraft to track my hands, w/l, and EV but PokerCraft just doesn't seem to work correctly.
My W/L is incorrect even when accounting for rake, and the All-In EV line is simply wrong (I know it doesn't count multiway pots, I've accounted for those as well). Another issue I'm having is that if it folds around to me in the big blind, and i win the small blind (0.5bb), PokerCraft is tracking it as a +1bb gain. Obviously, over tons of hands, this will make my w/l way higher and show it incorrectly.
This is very frustrating, as PokerCraft is the sole reason I bought my membership, and if I'd known it wouldn't work in the way it's advertised to, I would've went ahead and bought PT4 or DriveHUD. (PokerCraft won't let me download my hands to import into a different software, and even if it did, I can't be sure that the information will be correct.)
The only other post I've found anywhere mentioning similar issues anywhere is here on reddit:
Attached are two images show the difference in my actual w/l (shown in the ClubGG app) compared to what PokerCraft shows my w/l as.