Global Poker Review (Honest - Bordering on 'Riggie')

Global Poker Review (Honest - Bordering on 'Riggie')

1.) The website is fun at first; you're going to get a lot of nut flushes/etc.

They say that there is no 'rigging' occurring for new accounts, but this is a pattern a lot of people point out; and the CEO was quoted as saying something akin to "The worst thing for the poker ecosystem is if a fish joins and gets stomped immediately; they'll lose their deposit then never redeposit." Not evidence of rigging; just a data point to consider.

The turn/river is disgusting. You will routinely, and I do mean routinely be ahead in the hand, only for them to call insane amounts and get there by river. The kicker? You're very rarely going to see them call and not get there. It's actually spooky how often they fold, until they decide to call station and get there with garbage. You will routinely feel like Garrett Adelstein after the Robbie J4 hand.


2.) When math stops mathing; I start tracking. (Not using hud, or anything against TOS; just simply writing down select spots and tallying. (This is how you find the tournament 'glitch/cheat/exploit')

I've found one spot that can be abused for tournaments. Before we go any farther; I'm going to write with the disclaimer of 'They don't allow HUDS/HH, there is no way to be sure without violating TOS. Anything and everything could be variance."

You can check my tourny results here

I did stop playing tournaments recently; despite being a winning player in them. (For obvious reasons; I want to play poker; not "glitch league of extraordinary glitches").

I've alluded to the exploit in the past as bait to see if anyone would bite. Nobody did; and I do believe it's because of the social atmosphere on this website.

The exploit is based on a 'riggie thread' wherein the player suggested the parent company owned the patent to 'dynamic difficulty adjustment'.

Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Explained: Imagine you're playing a racing game, and are in first. The person behind you is about 3 laps behind. The game engine gives them a speed boost; and it slows your car down.

If we take that and apply it to a tournament; what would 'position in a racing game' be the equivalent of in poker?

Answer: Your stack size and position on the tournament leader boards. (BTW; I do expect this to be patched very shortly after this post; maybe a few months - I expect to be banned for exposing it; and I also expect that a new glitch will pop up in a different spot. I likely won't be around to see it)

I'll start off by saying I don't know the exact formula; I just know how to confirm it; and how to abuse it.

When you are 1st on the leader board; and there is a few people with you on top of the leader board, you will sometimes be dealt aces or kings. Take these; and hit FOLD. It won't allow you to surpass a certain chip stack size too early in the tournament.

Don't believe me? Go open up any given tournament and watch the leader board. Where are the outliers on sun runs? They're not there. They don't exist. Instead you have groups of people moving up together.

Why are there no sun runners? (Because of dynamic difficulty adjustment).

New position. You're up against one off the tournament top stacks; top stack raised to 10bb, you have 40bb, vs his 130bb stack. You're dealt T7o. T2o. Etc, take these hands and JAM.

The DDA won't allow the chip leaders to progress until whatever criteria is hit. Don't be the guy to Jam when it's time for the groups to move up.

Exceptions: On rare occasion the exact moment you choose to jam, is the moment the criteria has been met to allow the groups to move up. You can lose in that situation, but will win in every other situation.

Here's how you confirm it if you're good: Get top stack; wait for aces/kings and track results. If you track premiums while top stack and their success rate on showdown; you'll get your results. My tracked results for that specific scenario is 0/35. W to L. I stopped tracking my own hands around 0/20 in that position, and instead chose to abuse the 'glitch' by not putting myself in that position....but I watched other people do it; and I tracked every time they were top stack with AA/KK and lost. Added together; it's 0/35 (ish). I stopped tracking it altogether when I backed off the tournaments. (These top stack vs mid/short stack hands were ALL IN PRE if that helps anyone).

How to confirm if you're bad: Go look at leaderboards tab. Look for any of the top leaders (when there is like 4-8 grouped at around a certain chip level). see if one is at your table. Now wait until it's you versus them, as best you can. Go all in versus them with any two cards.

So winners can abuse it by not playing the bait hands; and losers can abuse it by taking unreasonable lines into chip leaders knowing their actual EV is well above whatever their hand says their EV is.

Before you write this off; if you're so convinced I'm a riggie and incorrect; just go try it. Just go open up a leader board and find a sun runner. You're not going to, because there is heavy DDA at play.

This exact advice of 'If you suspect the game is rigged, play as if it is' that made me a winning player in tournaments. (still losing in cash; which we will discuss in a moment).

I get it; so many people lose one hand and say 'rigged'. I'm pointing at specific spots that you can verify yourself.


3.) How are they funding their tournament guarantees?

Speculation: Through the rigging of cash games. I don't think all bots on this site are external to the website. I think it becomes blatant with the amount of times you go all in with the best hand and get 1 or even 2 outtered on.

Why rig cash games when they can just collect rake?

Do you think the rake they collect covers their tournament schedule? What about the people mailing in dozens if not hundreds of mail in letters for the 5 free SC each letter? Add in free daily login bonus...and all the things they have to do to be considered a 'sweepstakes' significantly impacts their profitability.

I have no horse in this race; I don't have the data on point 3, it's pure speculation based on very odd hands that occurred. The counter argument is playing vs fish; and maybe some of you can extract value; but my experience is that it's tight as can be; which then makes the hands where they blast off with nothing; calling only to hit on river very suspicious.

I'm not going to provide exact hands; as you've all experienced it. At first I did think it was just very poor variance. 1 hand has me not so convinced. I will share that hand. (There are plenty of examples like this; but given all my observations of the player; this specific hand is what moved the needle into 'not fair play'.)

35o UTG villain.

KK CO me.

Flop 2KT.

I raise 10bb.

Villain calls.

turn is a 4.

I raise 20bb on turn.

Villain calls.

River is 6.

Villain makes straight over my set.

Villain started off with 400bb. I had 200bb. Prior to that play; he folded a lot of hands; and was playing tight. At 400bb stack; he's not a bad player.

That single hand made me think there is something beyond variance at play in cash games.

One possibility is bots that are working as a team relaying hole cards. Another possibility is house bots. The third possibility is just insanely unlucky variance, and timing. Astronomically bad luck that is showing patterns that don't actually exist.

To be clear; I have no idea what's going on in cash games. Something wrong with them, I don't know what it is.


4.) The staff (CEO?) has abused high rollers on these forums calling them 'gold coin greg' during the projectbaby situation.

I don't know what to make of that; but I do know from experience that people who make fun of others are usually hiding something.

IE: You usually don't say to a cashier 'you gave me the wrong change' and have them insult you....if they do insult you; you're probably right, and they probably short changed you.


5.) The reviews are 50/50 on trust pilot. The experienced users are usually found in the 1 star section; while the new users can be found in the 5 star section.

The complaints all complain about the same thing; broken RNG.


6.) No HH. No HUDS. No tracking. (Reiteration because it deserves it's own bullet point).

This is supposed to be for your benefit; in effect though; cheaters get a bigger edge; and you have no way of holding the site accountable for any shenanigans. (Yes, even doing what I did and tracking that specific spot (AA/KK as top stack) may be against TOS. You're not allowed to enter it into external programs; that may include excel. [and I think it's because they're not entirely on the up and up])


7.) When I first joined the site; I could routinely get 3 buy ins for a cash game; then exit. Routinely. Now it's a struggle to get to 2 buy ins. I did not become a worse player over the time playing here; in fact I got much better and studied more and more. Every step I took forward though; it felt like competition matched me. I'm not going to say they're running eco bots; but I can not in good faith tell you that I understand why as I improved so did competition in short order. I can not tell you why I no longer stomp like I did when I first joined. It got harder to extract value; and the bad beats become more regular.

I don't only get bad beats; sometimes I lose by way of bad decisions, genuinely. That said; the bad beats are so common that my poor decisions are being eclipsed by the losses from bad beats (In cash games; which again; i don't know any exploits on the cash games RNG; only for tourny's.)

I do not see a way where these bad beats could be legitimate considering HOW they got there. It'd be different if we were all in pre. There lines are just...they become abnormal during these bad beat hands; and don't reflect there usual play style.


8.) Aces collect blinds at an abnormal rate; even from bb; even with normal raise sizes.

I think a possible explanation is card sharing by multiple bots at the same table. I don't see the same fold rates on opponents when I get QQ or lower.

(I've also posted a way a casino can cheat without impacting... The explanation doesn't explain everything; but it may explain some things. I genuinely think it's a solid way to cheat; I have no clue if any casino is doing it.)


I know, I know. I'm a rigtard. However; I provided the ways you can confirm. I am fairly sure I've hit the nail on the head on a few of these; and even more sure that in other aspects I'm so far off the ball that I'm playing first base from the parking lot.

My pet theory is that they are making an exit plan for when sweepstakes casinos are held to accord. I think they are churning water trying to fill their buckets before they are outlawed in the USA. Just a pet theory; but if you owned the company; knew legislation was coming or likely; wouldn't you try to min-max your revenue until D-day?

) 6 Views 6
25 September 2024 at 04:00 PM

34 Replies


I'm trash at tournaments so can't speak to that. Your theory sounds far fetched to say the least. If true you should be able to crush higher stakes tournaments and make a few hundred K in a year right?

3.) How are they funding their tournament guarantees?

Speculation: Through the rigging of cash games.

I am a full time cash player, and one of the sites I play is global poker. When I play a full week on global I pay about $2000 in rake. The way the site makes money is pretty freaking obvious - RAKE.

I'm not going to provide exact hands; as you've all experienced it. At first I did think it was just very poor variance. 1 hand has me not so convinced. I will share that hand. (There are plenty of examples like this; but given all my observations of the player; this specific hand is what moved the needle into 'not fair play'.)

35o UTG villain.

KK CO me.

Flop 2KT.

I raise 10bb.

Villain calls.

turn is a 4.

I raise 20bb on turn.

Villain calls.

River is 6.

Villain makes straight over my set.

Villain started off with 400bb. I had 200bb. Prior to that play; he folded a lot of hands; and was playing tight. At 400bb stack; he's not a bad player.

There are no regs who open 35o utg and call 3bets. You are looking at a whale who got lucky. 35o has 17% against KK anyways, sometimes they're just gonna win mate.
The whole post makes me think you just don't have a grasp on variance. Everyone goes through stretches of cards where they lose to absolute BS over and over. But long term the guys playing 35o in big pots trying to hit runner runner are part of what make the game so profitable.

As I said, global is one of the main 3 sites that I play. And global is the site I am the most confident I am getting an honest , fair game.

Fair viewpoint.

I disagree with you; because as I said; i know more about that player than you do; as I watched him play for 2 hours before it got to that hand. He was not playing like a whale. You're making statements off this one hand assuming they are playing other hands like this...they are not; that's what makes it suspicious.

With more data; you could speak more on said hand; as it is, as is often the case; you're looking at one hand, then making incorrect assumptions about the player. If he played every hand like that; i'd not have any suspicions and I'd eat him.

The solution would clearly be -> Keep getting in pots with him, make a hand, raise similarly. (..and possibly open positions slightly wider unless there is an aggro 3b between you and the target)

As for tournaments; this section I knew would get heat. That's why I provided the way you can test it. It does take a long time; and paying attention to pull off.

I will not discuss it further; because my goal isn't to prove it to you; I showed you the water; it's your choice to taste it or not. If you taste it and it's f'n gatorade, I'm probably wrong. If you taste it and it's water, well...then there is your answer.


I'll make it simpler for you. You state I don't understand variance, I was playing versus a whale. Ok; fine, so that makes me a fish right?

So then doesn't that lead credence to the 'exploit' in tournaments? If I am as bad as you allege (and I'm not arguing!), then the exploit must be real for those results to be valid (linked my sharkscope in post showing them).

The alternative is what? That there is no exploit; I understand the dynamics of tournaments but not cash games? I think that you're putting a burden on me to prove that I understand cash games; but for the life of me I just don't know how I would go about doing that. Should I mention a reraise on flop is often thought to be top pair by the books I've read? The videos I've watched? Should I mention opening JTs with a 3b to widen 3b range? Should i mention tightening range vs aggressive 3betters, and loosening against fish? What about if I'm on CO and BTN is extremely tight? Isn't my range now the BTNs range from CO due to the passivity of the BTN? What dynamic do you want to discuss and how far do we need to go until you realize I have been studying; I'm not lying to you; I'm telling you the absolute truth as I know it to be. I may be wrong in some regards; but if we're starting the conversation off with 'you don't understand variance', then I just don't think we're going to be having a beneficial conversation.

by GannonDonk k



I am maintaining an open mind; but I also know when enough data has been collected that I'm confident speaking against it; despite knowing the easy answer is 'variance'.

Even the riggies are winning. truly a blessed site

Sure, no HHs is a bit concerning but if you check sharkscope everyone decent is winning long-term

by TripleBerryJam k

Even the riggies are winning. truly a blessed site

Sure, no HHs is a bit concerning but if you check sharkscope everyone decent is winning long-term

Right now and until it's revealed; you'll all bust my balls. (As you should - probably)

It's not until it's officially outed that they'll come back to this post and recognize the value of it. Don't know how long; don't care.

I fully expect in some time to suddenly be getting loads of PMs about how I knew or spotted it. I mean; truth is I'll probably have long abandoned the account; and there will be no way to contact me. So I'll answer their question now. Wherever the consensus is the juice isn't worth the squeeze; probably has the best juice. Looking where others are afraid to look or have convinced themselves nothing could exist; is exactly why you should be looking.

Abandoning thread until D-Day (The Day people realize).

I have played (and won) at cash games and tournaments for years on Global and I fully agree some system like this must be in place. The most egregious examples take place in tournaments where it always seems impossible to burst the bubble vs. dozens of 1-2bb stacks.

The fact HH are wiped after a month and no tracking is allowed is the elephant in the room. There is zero reason to disallow HH after a month, unless you know the statistics are off.

Global plays differently in terms of variance than any other site I have ever played on, and I played them all.

by TookashotatChan k

I have played (and won) at cash games and tournaments for years on Global and I fully agree some system like this must be in place. The most egregious examples take place in tournaments where it always seems impossible to burst the bubble vs. dozens of 1-2bb stacks.

The fact HH are wiped after a month and no tracking is allowed is the elephant in the room. There is zero reason to disallow HH after a month, unless you know the statistics are off.

Global plays differently in terms of variance than a

You get a monthly HH?

Mine erases after I close the tab unless it's gold coin. Gold coin it remembers; SC it will not keep a HH on.

by Lucy's Fur k

You get a monthly HH?

Mine erases after I close the tab unless it's gold coin. Gold coin it remembers; SC it will not keep a HH on.

I can look back a month.

You used to be able to look back 6 months....

by TookashotatChan k

I can look back a month.

You used to be able to look back 6 months....

That's insane.

Mine deletes the second I log out; and even while playing it's often incomplete.

by Lucy's Fur k

That's insane.

Mine deletes the second I log out; and even while playing it's often incomplete.

Are you sure about that? You should be able to use the search function to look up any time period up to a month ago.

by TookashotatChan k

Are you sure about that? You should be able to use the search function to look up any time period up to a month ago.

I am sure. It's spotty at best. My best case is that it remembers some of the games. But I know it doesn't remember all hands because when I get a bad beat; sometimes I just close tab, but then when I'm ready to go back and review the hand; it's not there.

Like this morning, it appears to be working but on closer inspection you can see that games are missing. In some cases; like certain days; it's obvious that games are missing, because it only shows 1 hand per table, and on others they'll show like 10-20 hands, but I played hundreds that day.

by Atlanteanx k

This site is 100% absolutely rigged beyond question. I would avoid cash games entirely as I'm fairly sure they have super users cheating at them. The tourneys are beatable

Atlanteanx -> I agree with the above. (Unsure if super users though, because the edge colluders gain is massive and similar to being a super user. This video will show you the power of blockers (magic trick which abuses blocker cards)

I think it's a collusion issue, precisely because tournaments are beatable. In a setting where table selection can't occur, players are having an easier time than in a setting they can.

They need to implement card reshuffling into the deck for any folded hand to stand a chance of beating collusion.

Now none of that covers some of the odd stuff I've seen in cash games that goes beyond collusion, but I do believe the above to be accurate; and I don't think anyone would argue about colluders; but they may argue about it being a botnet like deeplay(io) colluding.

Here is something odd that I've personally tracked in a notepad (no external tool - simply writing down if I won or lost a hand with AA or KK.)

My KK loses 50% of the time someone calls my min raise, and they call 50% of the time.

My AA loses 50% of the time, and a min raise is called less than 10% of the time.

Sample size is a 30+ instances each of getting those specific hands, but I couldn't tell you if it took 5, 000 or 10, 000 hands to get enough KK and AA for a small data set.


End of day; I think there are a lot of people who don't understand how bad this is because they aren't actually playing on the site. I really do; I think that the go to is 'your bad' and nobody will take it seriously until it's proven. Fair enough; but it doesn't make us wrong, it makes us early.

Fun Fact: The old threads about potripper; other users were also making complaints in smaller stakes. Everyone clowned on them. They took the higher stakes players seriously though.

Which in turn told every bot maker everywhere -> Bot the low stakes, nobody takes them seriously.

Check this comment from a bot forum. Here is a CHEATER from a CHEATING FORUM stating Global Poker cards 'don't drop right'. (This was found during the BF corp news story)

been playing online poker for close to 15 years... thousands and thousands of hands... the RNG on Global Poker is what I call "sweepstakes rigged" (i.e. rigged for action). It goes both way, but it's definately "off" IMO

I watched my buddy make or run into quads 5 times in a single session

Every time I see the thread title, I get a little checkle out of it. "(Honest - Bordering on 'Riggie')", and then the OP is entirely about rigging.

I played half a milli hands there last year at mostly 200NL and never saw anything that seemed rigged.

Why is Lucy's Fur banned? Did he broke any forum rules? Looks like he just presented his personal opinion.

by Lucy's Fur k

Atlanteanx -> I agree with the above. (Unsure if super users though, because the edge colluders gain is massive and similar to being a super user. This video will show you the power of blockers (magic trick which abuses blocker cards)

I think it's a collusion issue, precisely because tournaments are beatable. In a setting where table selection can't occur, players are having an easier time than in a setting they can.

They need to implement card reshuffling into the deck for any folded hand to st

Wouldn't that screenshot of the bot site person not recommending global be a good thing for global? Lol

by Johnmir k

Why is Lucy's Fur banned? Did he broke any forum rules? Looks like he just presented his personal opinion.

I asked them to perma ban me; that's why I'm perma banned.

They did the right thing; I was being harassed by other players, and it was at a time in my life where I was particularly vulnerable to that type of harassment.

As to why I can post despite being banned?

by blitzT4M4Y0theGOAT k

Wouldn't that screenshot of the bot site person not recommending global be a good thing for global? Lol

No, he's saying the the cards aren't hitting at expected rates as I have reiterated with my LIMITED findings with AA/KK and posted earlier in thread IIRC.

If you notice the rng test; itech labs was quoted as saying.."iTech Labs has found that the card sequences are unpredictable, non-repeatable and uniformly distributed. "

That only looks good on the surface, and while it might cover what I'm about to suggest; it doesn't tell us that it does.

Having random distribution of cards is not equal to having those same cards win at expected rates.

So when the cheater is saying they aren't dropping right, it's not about the distribution of cards; but the distribution of winning hands.

Edit: I've found an alternate site or two, one I am signing up for soon (verifying) and the other I have played for about 24 hours in game. The difference between GP and the new site is HUGE. I don't feel cheated on the new site; and am profitable; but still need to pump in hours to find out how profitable (bb/hour) as I can't play for 24 hours, stack 5 people and then claim 500/24 is my bb per hour; because not enough data.

The new site has only confirmed my suspicions with GP.

by GannonDonk k

I played half a milli hands there last year at mostly 200NL and never saw anything that seemed rigged.

Well, I know a blind guy that says trees are square shaped.

Lucy's Fur, you will always feel comfortable in the new room.

You said a key word: profitable.
And the problem is not allins winning (yeah, all the rooms i know - "play" with allins), it's about distributing hands between players. At the moment you got "positive" ingame situation while you are a new member. Be careful with that...

I have been playing since 2005 and all the rooms (just EVERY room) let you win 100%+ ROI on the start.
And then situation seriously changes due to some economical aims of the room.

I also agree with you regarding stack control by a software in MTTs.
Soft controls a stack size not to let successful player to multiply ICM share in the tournament.
But this control is not about allins loosing. Some more serious stuff implemented... And the key to stop this - understanding of the software algorithm.

And don't take this all close to your heart, you still know the real situation on Global. And this should keep you calm. Different people got different level of observation skills. Your ones - are high. Just keep in mind that many of those who can't see things as they are in real - will be against anything, that ruins their own "world".

by Johnmir k

Lucy's Fur, you will always feel comfortable in the new room.

You said a key word: profitable.
And the problem is not allins winning (yeah, all the rooms i know - "play" with allins), it's about distributing hands between players. At the moment you got "positive" ingame situation while you are a new member. Be careful with that...

I have been playing since 2005 and all the rooms (just EVERY room) let you win 100%+ ROI on the start.
And then situation seriously changes due to some economical aims

I'm actually very aware of what you're discussing, and I am very weary of it.

I need many more hours in the new room to confirm if it's profitable/legit.

So far though; in about 24 hours of play, I've seen 1 hand that was similar to global poker. I had 45s, had full house on flop. Other user had TT. Calls my all in. Wins by river when he donks a T. That stuff happens. But on GP it's once per 15 minutes.

As far as MTTs are concerned; as I posted in the OP; it can be abused if you know what it's doing (controlling stack sizes). Be small stack, have top stack go all in. Call with literally anything. Either it will be a chop pot, or you'll double up. They won't allow a top stack to progress to much too fast, and it's abusable.

If not for the fact I've abused it myself; I could see how people think it's crazy. But when you actually try it; it'll work.

The kicker? I became aware of an issue where I'd be top stack in entire tournament, and each time I got AA or KK, I'd lose it. (100% loss rate). So I looked at the 'riggie' threads and someone mentioned DDA, and when I found that, I made a gameplan of how this type of system could be abused, and what spots I should ignore cards and jam/fold. When I implemented this system test; it actually worked, and by the time I had over 100 tests, it held up as expected if DDA was being used.

Is it possible it's not being used and it's simple variance? IDK, is it possible for me to call all ins with 23o and win against AA with 100% efficiency in those spots? Is it possible to lose every AA/KK with top stack?

Yes, it's possible. Not probable though. Nowhere near probable.

I saw something very close on PartyPoker btw )) Was fun. Yes, it was simply impossible to double stack up on some stage of the tournament. But my analysis doesn't cover this. I concentrated on decoding of hands distributing algorithms.
