omahaha215 trying to blackmail and scam me
Hello, I want the poker community to be aware of possibly the shittiest person I've come across at the poker tables and maybe off the tables as well. I don't want to spend too much energy on this garbage human so I will try to keep it as brief as possible.
3 days ago, my ACR client froze during a 3-way all-in pot @PLO600 when I had the nut straight. When the new hand appeared, there was no track of the previous hand in my stack (it was 100bb), in my tracker or in the client replayer. I thought for sure the client froze and the pot was not credited to anyone, however today I have resolved it with ACR support - since they don't send hands on request this was very stressful, 2 days of getting generic replies and no real help but have to give credit where it's due, eventually they gave in and sent me the hand history as a one-time exception. Turns out it was a split pot (another person had the nut straight which I didn't notice in time because the client froze), I just got stacked the previous hand and had my auto reload set to 50bb, after the new hand started i manually rebought to 100bb but because I only won 25bb net in the hand (50*3/2) my stack stayed at 100bb so it was just a sequence of very unlikely events that led me to misinterpret the situation.
Because this was significant money for me that I thought I got bugged out of and I also sell action I really wanted to make sure what happened so I could properly update my balances. Since all I initially got from ACR was "everything looks good, our decision is final" I desperately asked in a few poker Discord servers whether anyone had the contact of other players at the table and one nice guy gave me the Telegram account of omahaha215 - @lpl4king. He pretended to be a nice guy at first and tried poaching me to play his app game. He then lied about not having the hand but soon after changed his mind when he smelled an opportunity to blackmail me and tried to sell it to me for 270$. After I refused, he said I can play in his ClubGG game and he will send it to me after the game. It is pretty clear to me that he wouldn't have paid me so I didn't play. Stuff from there onwards is sadly not included in the screenshots because he blocked me (I will only post a few I took in real-time for my staking server, you can see by the gap in times that I was dealing with his BS the whole day) but basically he saw a person in need and tried to blackmail and scam me instead of being a decent human being and helping me out.
After I refused to pay him or play in his game he stopped responding, today I told him my offer of 5$ for kindness is off and that if he doesn't send me the hand (which I already had at that point but wanted to give him a chance to redeem himself) I will expose his disgusting behavior. He blocked me after that message so looks like he cares as much about his reputation as he does about other people. Honestly I was tempted to just let it go and save my time but at that point it was personal so I wasn't gonna let him get away with it and who knows, maybe I save someone from interacting with this absolute piece of trash in the future.
FWIW this guy is one of the highest volume players on WPN, I imagined a basement rakeback pro would have some empathy for my situation but nope he's just a worthless rat begging for cheese. Hopefully another benefit of this post will be that he reconsiders his life choices after reading it and realize that being a good person is sometimes enough of a reason to do something nice.
13 Replies
Guy is a well known scammer. Dodged a bullet.
A bit of a Flanders, don´t you think?
Lmao Kindergarten activities
Is this what poker really became ?
Dude chatted with him for like 2-3 hours haha and then offerd him $5 for 1 hand history Then come into forum to flame the dude , Impressive attitude . I suggest you never walk in to any casino or play any IRL poker
Lmao Kindergarten activities
Is this what poker really became ?
Dude chatted with him for like 2-3 hours haha and then offerd him $5 for 1 hand history Then come into forum to flame the dude , Impressive attitude . I suggest you never walk in to any casino or play any IRL poker
I suggest you the opposite, maybe leave your house once in a while and talk to some people, you will see not everyone has the selfish worthless mentality you seem to share with the rat above.
what is this nonsense?
If this is the shittiest person you've come across, you have lived a very privileged and fortunate life.
After reading your post I think you should contact this guy and give him a second chance.
I know some bad people but I can't imagine any of them refusing to help in this situation. Maybe making a thread about it was an exaggeration (as I said it felt like a waste of time, I mostly did it to keep my word and potentially save someone else because it is only a matter of time before this piece of sh*t tries to scam again) but I feel in a toxic space like poker these greedy rats should be exposed, yes I live a priviliged life and get to choose who I hang out with as a poker pro but I feel sorry for people who find this behavior acceptable at any level.
Where is the blackmail? The property you are requesting is theirs and they are looking for payment for it which you have choice of yeh or neh. $270 for one hand is ridiculous but ffs just say no and move on with your life.
Honestly regret coming here seeing some of the takes, I guess in poker you are supposed to expect trying to get scammed every step you take and you guys are happy to turn the other cheek instead of shaming the guy. As I said I didn't post the full convo, after this he was blackmailing me to play his app game if I want the hand which would probably have been a negative freeroll for me. He also said from the start he will help me and was "looking for the hand" for hours making up new excuses and requirements to send it in the meantime, if he said no from the start I would obv have just moved on but he wasted half my day and my nerves.
The idea of this post was to leave this bs behind me so I'll stop replying, I guess bad people expect bad in others as well so most people reading this will not be surprised and looks like some are even shocked I thought it was worth posting. Goodbye.
Honestly regret coming here seeing some of the takes, I guess in poker you are supposed to expect trying to get scammed every step you take and you guys are happy to turn the other cheek instead of shaming the guy. As I said I didn't post the full convo, after this he was blackmailing me to play his app game if I want the hand which would probably have been a negative freeroll for me. He also said from the start he will help me and was "looking for the hand" for hours making up new excuses and r
Asking a stupid amount of money for something is not a scam or blackmail. Since most people accurately understand what the words scam and blackmail mean, they see this thread and this is the normal response to reading it:
"Wow two idiots spent half a day arguing over 1 hand history, despite one idiot asking $270 off the bat, these morons continued arguing for half a day and then one of them thought it was worth posting about online."
That reaction doesn't make them "bad people", it makes them people with at least a moderate vocabulary and some common sense.
Funnily enough the only actual blackmail that happened was from you, by your own admission, when you said either he gives you the HH or you will "expose" him online. LOL
The only good decision you've made throughout this is not to post again.
You never cease to amaze me RollHigh.
I don't think that means what you think it means.
Toxic? Really? It's humorous that you would get so bent out of shape and call someone toxic. Let's get the mirror out for you to look in.
You are a huge contributor to one of the most toxic discord groups I've ever seen. Not that I'd call Spork's server a group. It's really more of a cult full of toxic people who don't know what to do when their leader has a breakdown, which seems to happen every two weeks, and goes off the grid. Who really calls their group a Dojo anyway? The only reason I continue to stay in the group is because sometimes it's fun to just sit and watch a train wreck.
I wouldn't say you are the most toxic person in the group, but you are up there. Maybe arrogance is your biggest toxic trait. Anyone who sits in a group professing how they are the best shortstack player in the world, constantly talking bad about high stakes players, and then can't even get to those stakes has some issues.
Yeah $270 is absurd, but the fact that you really think some random guy you played with owes you a HH is pretty arrogant. Maybe you should get a better setup and stop thinking people owe you.
But back to the main point. How can you call someone toxic when guys like you, Spork, Knox, etc are just spewing toxic garbage 24/7 in Spork's cult group. If you guys put half as much effort into playing and studying as you do being toxic you might could move up. There are plenty of us in that cult that don't talk much and are crushing.
Who really spends this much time on one hand history, then goes through the trouble to post this here, then goes through the trouble to paste the link to a dozen different discord groups? Is your ego that fragile? What are you really hoping to accomplish? Go do something constructive, and stop throwing stones when you live in a glass house. Stop embarrassing your fearless leader, Spork, in public. Save that for the Dojo cult.
What are these discord groups of poker players? Ive always struggled to meet other regs on sites as I keep to myself and theyve removed chat from tables. Msg me how to find them if coo, im fadethesnap on wpn