How to play online poker according to a software algorithm - iPoker, Red Star Poker room

How to play online poker according to a software algorithm - iPoker, Red Star Poker room

Hello, dear colleagues!

I'm an expert level poker player and, also, a professional financial risk analyst (insurance) in the past. At the age of 28 I left PMO (project management office) of Zurich Insurance Group's Moscow's branch and moved to sport (tennis) to change my life and to live it closer to my real nature. While I was seriously injured I found it interesting and reasonable to use my abilities and to find some answers to what is going on in an online direction of poker gaming.

I got a high level of confidence this video will answer many key questions regarding integrity of online poker games.

I find it important that you, guys, should be able to work with all the materials I provide for your overview. Here is a link to a google drive (link below) where you can find:

1. A text version of the video in ENG/RUS (MS Excel format)
2. The statistics in MS Excel format, very comfortable to work with, to watch hands, to check anything you would like to
3. A detailed description of the software algorithm (Ipoker net, Red Star Poker room)
4. A copy of the main youtube video
5. Some other materials/documents which are necessary to be presented in this kind of situations

All the materials have been sent to Gambling supervision authorities of a number of countries (the list specified in the materials)

The video explanation itself:

) 18 Views 18
20 February 2025 at 06:01 PM

21 Replies

My email text to Curaçao eGaming (RSP Entertainment N.V. - Red Star poker licensing authoritie):

"I am Evgeniy Mirskiy (passport in the attachments). I inform you about law violations of RSP Entertainment N.V. (brand - Red Star Poker). The Company is licensed in Curacao by your organization. I'm a professional financial risk analyst (insurance) and I provide you all the necessary information professionally prepared for your consideration.

I find it important that you should be able to work with all the materials that I provide for your overview. Here is a link to a google drive (link below) where you can find:

1. A copy of the video published on youtube with all the necessary comments about Red Star Poker software (to save your time please, watch this first, it's a professional work, made to explain violation evidence to supervision authorities and to international society)
2. A text version of the video (MS Excel format)
3. The statistics in MS Excel format and the analysis with all the reasonable conclusions
4. A detailed description of the software algorithm (Ipoker net, Red Star Poker room)
5. Video-evidence of sit-out hands played in Red Star Poker room
All the materials have been sent to Gambling supervision authorities of a number of countries (the list specified in the materials)

The video explanation can be also found on youtube:

I also attached to this letter transaction history and profile screenshots of my Red Star Poker room's account (login name is "Johnmir").

My position is that RSP Entertainment breaks laws of many countries and provides an unfair provision of services - non-random commercial algorithms are integrated into the software to manipulate card dealing process in online-poker games. What measures are you going to implement to the Company?

All the personal information in the attachments (my passport, account screens) is my individual information. Please, keep it confident. All the other information, including the letter itself - is a public information and it's appreciated to share it with third parties to protect them from the (international) fraud."

My email text to Nevada Gaming Control Board (an informing message, was also sent to several European supervision authorities)

"I am Evgeniy Mirskiy (passport in the attachments). I inform you about law violations by Red Star Poker (RSP Entertainment N.V.) - Ipoker net and about a high possibility of law violations by Playtech PLC which is a software developer of Red Star Poker (licenced in Curacao under "RSP Entertainment N.V." name). I'm a professional financial risk analyst (insurance) and I provide you all the necessary information professionally prepared to notify international society about the fraud.

I find it important that you should be able to work with all the materials that I provide for your overview. Here is a link to a google drive (link below) where you can find:

1. A copy of the video published on youtube with all the necessary comments about Red Star Poker software
2. A text version of the video (MS Excel format)
3. The statistics in MS Excel format and the analysis with all the reasonable conclusions
4. A detailed description of the software algorithm (Ipoker net, Red Star Poker room)
5. Video-evidence of sit-out hands played in Red Star Poker room
All the materials have been sent to Gambling supervision authorities of a number of countries (the list specified in the materials)

The video explanation can be also found on youtube:

I also attached to this letter transaction history and profile screenshots of my Red Star Poker room's account (login name is "Johnmir").

I would like to stress that many citizens of The USA may (do) participate in games organized by Ipoker net (owned by Playtech PLC). And may become (are) victims of the fraud.

My position is that RSP Entertainment breaks laws of many countries and provides an unfair provision of services - non-random commercial algorithms are integrated into the software to manipulate card dealing process in online-poker games. And I suggest you to consider all the reasonable measures to protect players from participating in games, organized by Red Star Poker, Ipoker.

All the personal information in the attachments (my passport, account screens) is my individual information. Please, keep it confident. All the other information, including the letter itself - is a public information and it's appreciated to share it with third parties to protect them from the (international) fraud."

Colleagues, language difficulties causes some problems of understanding the video.

I will try to comment shortly and the most easy way for players of any level:

Ipoker's software constantly alternates "clean" and "trapped" strong preflop hands.

It's not important what game type you play - cashe, tournaments, headsup games - after two/three 70% all ins you got dealt premium hand/top pair flopped (especially if you "checked" in position of a big blind)/pocket top pair/several Aces High in a row - this hand should be folded.

Software does it to equalize a positive player's efficiency with other players on the table. So that, the game will last long enough to convert players deposites into a room's commission. This is especially actual for cashe games.

Exactly cause of this system of hands dealing it appears especially difficult to overplay a player, who goes allin on weak hands. In the next game cones right after this move of a weak or "having fun" player he gets the best on the table hand. And this game cones should be "skipped" by other players.

The most easy example - heads up game.

After an unprofitable call of the opponent on a very weak hand, right in the next headsup game against this opponent iPoker's software generates a hand like - "Pocket 99 vs pocket QQ for your opponent".

You can check this pretty fast, 15-30 minutes of playing any game type is enough.

In the second half of the video I show what Red Star's software does on a postflop in case all the cards are opened and we just "check" until a showdown to watch how hands are dealt. I demonstrate that the software's behaviour is not only submits to a contrete logic (the bigger my stack is the more often my opponent hits the flop), but - being an expert level professional in the sphere of stat. analysis - I show that it's possible in a random game only once in 8, 5 trillion games.

This is how i can explain you the most easy way. I can't know, if we will manage to forbid iPoker gaming officially, but you are notified about the fraud starting from this moment.

I should probably post it here too, to illustrate the situation.
I rarely play online lately, but this is my play in MTT tournament on the 23th of February. (I finished 6th of 243 players, so I didn't fold every premium hand).

I'm close to prizes here and here is a hand:

The following hand:

I don't even call on AJ having a chip-leader's stack. This is a bounty tournament.

Let's make the online "poker" fair at least the way so that every player on iPoker (what do you think about other rooms you play in, by the way) would know actual rules of the game.

Since everyone of us believes he is a member of a civilized society. I think it's reasonable to publish rules of the game. Is it fair to keep some rules hidden?

I provide you facts - I do know, when a premium hand should be folded.

Once again, positive decisions are equalized by the software of iPoker (Only this room? What do you think?) with generating of a negative game cones. Very often - right after a positive one (in this case above my bluff on 54 hand - is collecting of chips on a weaker hand, means it's a pretty rough ruining of the software's "plan" of chips distributing between players on the table).

It is normal, that after a positive decision negative ones come. But it shouldn't be predictable.
How to predict that - I published an algorithm on my google drive in the first message (ENG/RUS).

Is it possible to win like that MORE then the software allows you? My experience shows. Not, it's not. Why - I will comment it a bit later when all the players understand the game is just a predictable sequence of positive and negative game cones on a strong push-fold hands/postflop combinations.

You just played an allin AA vs 55 (80%) in the start of an SnG tournament. You got a top pair flopped on a buble against a flopped set for your opponent? You fold it, and join prizes. In case you realize the software's logic.

by Johnmir k

The video explanation itself:

I tried the link from my first message and it works for me, but you can also download the video using a google drive link.
Surprised it doesn't work for you.

(but the link of your message doesn't work, btw, yes)

by Johnmir k

I tried the link from my first message and it works for me, but you can also download the video using a google drive link.
Surprised it doesn't work for you.

(but the link of your message doesn't work, btw, yes)

I've fixed the link in your OP.

Aha, I see, Mike, thank you.

For those who understood the situation in their online rooms.

You can see that I record premium hands, pocket top pairs and top pairs flopped.
This is a list of these hands for that bounty tournament in which i folded AJo with a chip-leader's stack being close to prizes. Every 6th-8th game situation - I fold "in time" my strong hand (after I played several profitable preflop allins/postflop games) and keep playing.

Guys, the video is too long, not everyone got enough time or interest to watch it. The outcome of "all the cards opened" research looks the following way (this was made for gambling supervision authorities):

In the first part of the video I try to "open" a pretty simple idea for players of different levels.

This is my first SnG (Double or nothing game). Two profitable allins in the start of the tournament:

And this is how the next SnG tournament starts for me:

You can see, I fold my hand, because I understand the software will try to "take my chips back in the next tournament for free".

Guys, we can discuss this for hours here. You don't need to type anything here in this thread. It's not what I expect.

I expect - you open your room Pokerstars, PartyPoker, Global, iPoker - Any Room. And notice how premium hands is used by the software. What order of premium hands distributing software uses to take your chips and to bring it to weaker players on the table.

Looks like someone lost a lot of money and is now extremely obsessed with Online Poker.

I'm talking about facts! Not about "guesses")) (Nice guess by the way, but you are wrong, i was a winning player 😉)

Is it really important for others how well do I play? Since I provide the evidence of the fraud. Do you agree with the evidence?

My only reason to take part in this - try to help stopping the fraud. Yes, it's a waste of my personal time in someway. I could spend my time participating in some cooler stuff. But I can also help players understand, due to my abilities - cause this algorithm model is the same and implemented in several major rooms. I don't want to open which ones. The time hasn't come for this.

1. Did you watch the statistics?
2. Did you try to check if all the said above about the rooms algorithm works for you?

Guys, if you didn't try to monitor the process of premium hands distributing between players in your rooms - we won't go further, really.

Dude, you're trying way too hard. Go back to Troll College.

Did you graduate from that one with honors? Pass me an address, you seem to know the college location :P

I started to discuss iPoker net first because their software is simply crazy. Predictable. And it's more important - they didn't block possibility to see the hand of a "sit-out" player in case you "check until a showdown with no betting", so you can see any number of hands in a row in a heads-up game in case your opponent has left PC.

Once you check 100 hands in a row on iPoker, you won't discuss anything here. You will just stop playing. (If you are not a regular player grinding 4+ tables simultaneously). I don't talk exactly and only about iPoker, so I'm uploading this info to start the conversation about online poker in general.

I haven't played anything expensive there, the only reason of joining Red Star (RSP Entertainment/iPoker net) was to check how the software works.

At the moment we got all the necessary info to make conclusions about the 4th biggest online poker net - unless some players suggest us to play 8, 5 trillion hands to check if it will appear to be a charitable organization but not a fraud. This question is addressed to supervision authorities atm. It shouldn't be discussed with players, but players should be informed.

Personally - i don't care/nor angry too much on the room, I have never played on Red Star seriously. My total deposit is under 200$ there. And I didn't need more to test the software.

The talk about Pokerstars is coming. But i don't see a reason to start this talk before people realize basic stuff which is not obvious, but since i simply uploaded this - it became more then understandable. Just be attentive to how the game goes. Observation skills are really important for poker players!

Guys, I understand that this all looks like a joke, you don't know me nor my playing/stat-pro level.

But, still, while discussing the topic on the biggest russian forum I realized that people (players) do not understand what happened in those games on Ipoker i took part in.

To be clear, here is the end of the 5th heads up game on iPoker (I do this for your convenience), and this happens at the end of almost every heads-up registered.

If I come to the flop, i expect my opponent to hit it 32, 4% of times - it's not important which non-paired cards my opponent gets. But not in 81% times!! (Like you can see below)

And an opportunity of that i managed to open my opponent's hands is that WE can check "Does our opponent really hit the flop 32% of times??"
It let's us to check what software does when we DON'T see hands! Does the software deal cards random, but not according to some algorithm.
I won all of these games, I DO NOT complain on anything. I won that money, lol. But I try to show you what is really going on in iPoker - when we don't see cards.

And I see that EVERY time blinds raises - my opponent starts to hit the flop like a crazy animal!
And totally random it may happen only once in 5 000 000 reshuffling of 500 flops - EXTREMELY rare.
Guys, it's a school level of mathematics.

And it's like that in the end of each game... In this 5th game above my opponent hits 9 flops of 11 cause he was losing due to a sit-out mode (left PC).

I try to share with you - while we don't see hands of our opponents iPoker's software does anything it wants to do.
That's it. Once we opened hands (fooled the software) - it becomes simply obvious why you can't win any board on higher blinds on heads-up if you are a winning player but playing 1 table (do not generate enough rake, do not rise an activity in the room).

Now you can just open not the 5th game, but all the other heads-up games of my analysis (7 games are taken) - and see there, the opponent keeps hitting the flop on big BB like a crazy animal. Again and again - breaking any rules of a random game!

Guys, I post here a good question of some russian online-pro MTT player

"Why do they need to modify post-flop by some crazy algorithm of flop hitting in stead of changing few all-ins of fish-players by just 2% EV. Let's say we play 88 vs AKo for the fish and he just gets not a 45% chance but 43% or 40% chances?"

The answer, translated into English:

"EV chips and "Net Chips won" will be too different. EV diff - will be crazy (significant).

We will notice an over-profit or an under-profit on huge distances (comparing to EV). Already starting from 1000 such all-ins. Look:

I will show you several calculations just to assess and to check the situation. You will be able to make conclusions about how visible/nonvisible 2% dispersion of 45% all-ins (AKo vs 88) on different distances is.

Look, here is a distance of 200 all-ins, it's possible to calculate this in "exact" mode (according to number of combinations [statistical method]).

There is an approximated calculation also but it will be important to use it later since MS Excel is not able to provide such a complicated exact evaluation for bigger distances. It will be only possible with the approximation according to the Moivre-Laplace theorem - well, terms are not important, just to let you know, don't pay attention.

Can you see this? A script calculated us (this is an exact calc.) - 31% un-luck level of 2% deviation of the mean (45%).
Approximately - it's 28% - but we got an exact value, approx. is not important here.

Let's watch the difference and take 5% disp. - 40% wins in stead of 45% on the same distance of 200 all-ins

A chance to deviate by 5% playing all-ins of 45% on a distance of 200 - 9% (8, 81%)

It's acceptable, ok. Happens.

Let's take a 1000 all-ins distance now and watch what Moivre)) provides us (it's impossible to calculate this with the exact method through combinations)

Deviation by 2% on a dist. of 1000

10% chances to meet this dispersion 2%.

And, now, 5% deviation from 45% all-in -

7 cases of 10 000 - 0, 07%.

It's only 1000 all-ins distance.
And now imagine a regular player is playing and monitoring his EV. He played 10 000 all-ins and it's not too much. If you play SnG turbo/hyper-turbo tourneys there are +/-5 all-ins by tournament (not only all-chips-involved all-ins, there are a lot of all-ins against small stacks).
It's only 2000 SnG tournaments distance.

3 cases of 100 000 all-ins distance. Well, it's slightly weird. I think, many reg-guys would wonder, WTF...

And, now, for the 5% variance (dispersion) on a 10K all-ins dist.:

It's too unreal here... 5% dev. on this distance (which is a 3-6 months of playing for a regular player on SnG, a bit longer for MTT, yes)

This dispersion is way too big. And chances for this are even lower then a chance of iPoker to be a fair room 😝))

And it's the most reasonable in this situation -
is to put "invisibly" anything software wants to put on a postflop.

But EV diff is not the only reason.

In case you implement "2% rigging of all-ins EV" - it won't give the room Anything.
Strong cash-players will agree, that on a postflop you can make huge incomes and just "burn" the fish in case this postflop is not rigged. This is the main "nuance" - exactly bluffs "suddenly" stop working on a distance after some +EV gaming. You simply can't bluff, fishes start to raise you (huge combinations collected with no a showdown at the end, no evidence of rigging).

But, man,
in case they rig the game in tournaments some different way comparing to cash - it will be too obvious for those who play tournaments and cash both, the gameplay will be totally different - cash/tournaments. So, yes, there is the same "system" implemented in tournaments - rigging of the postflop.

It won't work to rig EV - thousands of regular players will notice it immediately."

The UK Gambling Commission provided the response regarding Playtech PLC.

All the materials have been sent to Intelligence team. So, guys from UK, who are interested in the online-poker gaming to be fair - It's not my part now. I can't keep controlling this, your citizens take part in this. The Company is British.

Guys, it's a small mini-report 😀
I haven't played for 2 weeks and decided to illustrate, once again, how it works

You can see it's my first game in two weeks.

(once again, it's not the 100th game, it's the first one in 2 weeks of break!))

Ipoker fans, guys, do you really play this?
Experienced players do play this...

Here are 4 of 5 first flops in the tournament:

The same flops?? All of them are - 7 9 J, 4 5 6, J T 8?

Is it a professional poker? ))))

Okay, I could actually understand this in case we discussed Pokerstars... Yes, the game looks "natural" there...

But we HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS and WILL NEVER SEE on Stars. Someone would 100% waste some time, calculate this and closed the huge room, lol.

Okay, let's watch the game.
I just won some money there on the limit and managed to make 80% ITM.

10 buy-ins won! (The green stripe is marked) On a small 10 SnG distance.

Now, I do understand that the software will try to "process" me in a crazy way. But I have already met this many times, so I just need to catch the tournament flow according to players decisions.

Well, this is easy, okay:

And right after this one I play the hand:

I have lost the all-in. But let's, assess, what this really means.
And, also, will check if you are confident enough in tournament gaming according to ICM.

After such a successful run of +10 buy-ins as the result of the previous tourneys the software expects me to lose the game in the worst possible manner.
But I play this TT vs AKs all-in - means, I make "an ICM cutoff".
Guys, it's just a mathematics. Now, after losing of the 54% all-in I guaranteed myself at least 75% of my buy-in EV.

(According to a tree-like ICM calculation, I got EV = 54% * 27 - this is my ICM share in the tournament in case I would have won the all-in - =15c. So, I have already got 15c. I have already demonstrated an at least zero EV (=0) even after losing the all-in.
I'm not sure if you understand me. In other words - "In 54% cases I would get 27c ICM share, so - 15c of my 20c buy-in are in my pocket irrespectively to any future decisions)

It means, that I just need to finish the tournament having 500 chips stack at least "acceptable way", to make a positive EV in the tourney at the end.

And the software realizes it. And a pure hell is coming. A fight for not to let me show a positive EV.
It's important for the software to "kill" my short stack with some extremely unprofitable 20%-30% all-in. And it's enough to put me under domination at least once (!)

Okay, I fold once:

But here, I commit a mistake, underestimate the situation.
I should have folded one more time but I do not monitor my latest tournament EV results, and looks like the software is too strict actually:


Okay, I have already folded 3 times in a row.
So, It's obvious (and I comment this in my video), that I won't be trapped by the software the 4th time in a row, cause, otherwise, the rigging would be too visible to players, in case all the "good" hands would have been beaten right one by one, in a row. And I push:

But automatically fold the next one:

It's not actually interesting for me to watch Petrlin23's hand on BB, cause it's obviously better then my K7o (you could request iPoker's hand history to check it)).

And after several hands I push this one:

THE NEXT HAND IS, watch my decision:

I don't even call few chips. I understand that:

A) I'm dominated by any of players
B) I won't ever get a set, cause the software aims to take me off the game "for free". So I will most-likely get a flop like 2 3 6 having 77 vs QQ and 13 BBs stack.

After this hand I play about 20 hands where guys got huge hands, they limp them (yes, this is the LEVEL) and check until a showdown))), while the software is waiting for me to die slowly.

Since I know, that premium hands on the table are dealt in iPoker room according to Waves, so after watching several huge opponents hands I take my chance and play like that:

YES. Exactly. I don't call 15% of the pot having 77, but I push 95o from UTG. It's a funny ipoker game...))

And after 3 hands played something really weird happens. And that is why it's extremely hard to win more, then software allows you, even if you know how the software works.

Though, in case I would have "read" this fold I would still get the prize!

Why did I push QQ.
I could have really folded it, since I know the software algorithm.

BUT, only 60 hands ago (2 SnG tournaments ago) I have already played the same QQ and it was beaten...

In other words, the software went crazy this time, because I have won too many buy-ins in the previous tournaments. And I didn't manage to forecast this QQ to be beaten.

Due to the experience of playing against the software algorithm of Pokerstars, where I just stopped winning the final table all-ins as a result of this "gaming style" (and this topic about PS is coming).

So I don't try to play too correctly against iPoker's software cause, at the end, I do know - they won't let me win according to my EV the same way as Pokerstars didn't.

Only if I make a good deposit and start to play 4+ tables like regular players do.
But, personally, I don't want to play multitabling according to statistics.
