Pokerrrr2 Hack? See whole cards and board??
I used to play a lot on pokerrrr2 and was winning regularly for years then all a sudden it like completely stopped and crazy stuff was happening! I did some research online and came across this pokerrrr2hack claiming and showing videos of being ale to see players whole cards and the whole board before the hand was played out! To me this explained everything and I've stopped playing on this app... Does anyone have any clue if this is real? Or is someone trying to scam people out of money, because they are trying to sell the hack... I just love poker and keep getting texts from the clubs and have thought about going and playing again but am to fearful. If anyone has anymore info like it's real and to stay away from the app because it's compromised please let the people know . Stay safe everyone.
2 Replies
I mean its a pretty sketch app I could see it
Can you post links to the videos showing the scam?