$500 2024 Full yahoo PPR snake draft

$500 2024 Full yahoo PPR snake draft

Hi everyone,

Looking to fill a few spots for a $500 10-12 man Yahoo PPR league. Draft will be weekend of 8/30. With that being said, I do want to draft after last preseason game.

Here are positions -

QB, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/R/T, W/R/T, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN

Prizes aren't set but something like

1st - 50%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 20%

We can also discuss alternate payouts for league structure.

Please post here or PM me if interested so I can get you added. No monies needed until we get the league filled. Also, let me know if you have any questions!

I've been running the league for over a decade with no issues (check post history).

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07 August 2024 at 01:30 PM

20 Replies

I've been a member of this league for the past 4 or 5 years and it's been a blast. Everything run smoothly and have never had issues getting paid.


8/11 Update (we're close!)

Hey guys here is a list of players so far...Need one or two more.

1 - triptanes
2 - ejay (2p2)
3 - kingkesis (2p2)
4 - jk (irl)
5 - bk (irl)
6 - gp (irl)
7 - cv (irl - probably)
8 - bc (irl - probably)
9 - warchant (2p2 - interested)

I'm in if you get enough guys.

Also in

Edit. Mistake. Wanted to join, however, cannot draft after the 29th. Sorry.

Excellent! I'll PM warchant, mdot, and attempt to confirm some other teams today.

I hard vouch all for Triptanes

I have played in this league as well for a couple of years and have never had any issues.

Thanks for the kinds words! We have 10 for sure!

I can lean on a person or two to get one more so I'll leave this up for a few days to see if one or two more people are interested to get this to a 12 team league.

1 - triptanes
2 - ejay (2p2)
3 - kingkesis (2p2)
4 - jk (irl)
5 - bk (irl)
6 - gp (irl)
7 - cv (irl)
8 - gg (irl)
9 - warchant (2p2)
10 - mdot (2p2)
11 -
12 -


I donate yearly, in some of leagues as guys in this league.

If possible, not too late on draft please, got two little ones. But I get it, I am probably in the minority here.

Thanks for running!

great to have you, tbell! i hear ya on not having the draft not start too late in the evening.

1 - triptanes
2 - ejay (2p2)
3 - kingkesis (2p2)
4 - jk (irl)
5 - bk (irl)
6 - gp (irl)
7 - cv (irl)
8 - gg (irl)
9 - warchant (2p2)
10 - mdot (2p2)
11 - TBell (2p2)
12 -

I'll fill it out. Thanks!

Great! We just need tbell and gth to join w/ the links that were sent to the them.

wait list me if anyone flakes.

Trying to get in. Sent a message

My bad, TBell. You should be able to get in now.

All filled for now... Please join the groupme. I sent/emailed everyone a link.


I'll join if you lose anyone
