Poker solvers aren't the end all be all in poker. Reminds me of the zone defense in the NBA
Why are so many poker players acting like the poker solvers is the absolute best way to play? You have to bet your gutshot straight in position at a 16% frequency on this turn card and blah blah. The poker players that I have played against that are strong and competent poker players are over bluffing now due to these solvers. They have no clue about their opponents tendencies or style of play. The solver says do this so that is the way? I really don't understand this at all. This solver strategy isn't going to be efficient vs a player like me or Chris Moorman, Jason Koon etc in poker tournaments. Certain player types of players are more focused on the solvers than than actual players they are playing and the table dynamics. This type of player has to go all in on the river on a scare card on the river and such so I just adjust and call light. The solver won't help vs a poker genius, this is silly now. How does this make any sense? I been playing poker for 20 years now this doesn't make any sense to me. You are supposed to play your opponent and adjust to their play, no solver will help you with that. I have learned how to bluff more watching people who do follow the solvers and that has helped me. This is rant because some poke snob will say I am wrong and that solvers are correct and I am a moron but am I?