Ruling question
Tournament play. UTG limps in, action folds around to the BB. Dealer doesn’t see UTG players cards, quickly pushes the pot to the BB and washes his cards. UTG is left sitting there with cards while the pot is being stacked by the BB. What’s the ruling here? Thanks.
2 Replies
What if UtG has AA and BB is awarded pot!
What if.. BB has AK and BB limped 33.
What is ruling if BB has AA and UtG limped 19bbs KK?
How can UTG’s cards matter? BB no longer has cards so the hand is over. There are only 3 options, pot goes to BB, pot goes to UTG or pot is split between them. It would suck for UTG if he had a big hand, but there is nothing that can be done after dealer takes BB’s cards.
I would probably split the pot. You really can't punish BB for giving up his cards after he is pushed the pot. If he didn't do that, we would never get to the next hand.
Second best option is giving the whole pot to the BB, because the UTG player really should have said something sooner.