Can you help me find this OG 2+2 poker documentation progress?

Can you help me find this OG 2+2 poker documentation progress?

I remember this guy who started a progress youtube channel documenting his progress on playing ignition poker/ACR. He mostly focused on playing zone poker and was focusing on 1/2 NL then he tried 2/5 NL got knocked down and stuck to 1/2 for a while. I believe he made around $80k for the full year of his online progress and he was one of the only people who documented on YouTube + here on the forums.

He mostly stuck to cash games. Can anyone help me find this guy's videos/progress post? He had dark curly short hair and he wore glasses.

If anyone can help me find his thread/YouTube Channel it would be much appreciated.

06 February 2024 at 11:27 PM