Will fleeing tougher “must move” tables make me a target in the future?

Will fleeing tougher “must move” tables make me a target in the future?

I am a recreational player who plays mostly $1/3. I usually put myself on both $1/3 and $2/5 lists on the Bravo. Normally I start at the $1/3 table. I will scope out the lineup on the $2/5 main game(s) to see if I will actually move when my name gets called off the $2/5 list. If it is filled with pros and solid appearing regs I do not play.

However, I have been in positions recently where I am on the must move table and the lineup is unfavorable or the table gets really short without a list of people waiting to join. I know I am not in a favorable situation. I usually use the short table as an excuse to flee back to $1/3. There have been full tables were I have just gotten up because it looked bad for me. I also only buy in for $500 when the table max is $1000. I was buying in for the max, but I feel like my game is best studied at 100bb. I have noticed I overvalue my hands a bit 200bb on the river and become sort of a call station.

I am becoming a bit paranoid that I will become a target or social pariah if I continue to do this. Any advice would be appreciated.

09 February 2024 at 10:41 PM

1 Reply

It's not a big deal. I wouldn't worry about being a target. Just focus on playing good poker. Play good ranges. Don't be like the recs that see way too many flops. Play aggressively in heads up spots. Be cautious multiway, deep, and out of position.

It's not like if you fit the part of a reg, people are going to soft play you and if you look like a fish, they will be Phil Ivey. There is no way to switch things to easy mode
