Heavy Icm problem

Heavy Icm problem

Heavy icm problem
1500 entries
Final 3 people

Btn 25bb
Sb hero 35bb
Bb 16bb fish

Btn open 2bb
Sb KhTc 3bet 7bb
Bb fold

Flop 9J3hh
Sb c bet 3bb
Btn call

Turn 3h

Spr is 0.7 on turn

I jam turn to make max pressure to btn

He tank call with AJo no heart

I hit the river and later on ship the event

But I think this hand is worth to review

Btn is a tight reg

What is your play on Preflop , flop, turn?

Open for discuss,many thanks

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11 June 2024 at 01:10 PM

3 Replies

you talk about a heavy icm problem without telling us the payouts, which is a fundamental requirement to discuss icm. not that, given the stack sizes, it seems like a massive icm spot

What cards did you have?

Don't you have a friend with an ICMizer subscription you can sponge off of to get the answer?
