Quick Questions & Answers Thread
Ok, an experiment.
Please post random thoughts / requests, general low content posts, anything you like (within reason and within the remit of this forum) in this thread.
It will be monitored by regs who may be kind enough to answer if you ask politely. They are much more likely to respond politely if you ask in here than if you make a new thread for a trivial question Google could answer in less time and with less effort 😀
If you make a trivial OP - I'll probably move it here anyway - but it may be left alone for several hours thus get lost in the mix - so please - think if you are about to make a new OP - where would I best get my answer quickly?
Obviously, questions related to a particular program / whatever that has a thread running here already - post in that thread.
So let us gogogo!
Hopefully this is a success 😀
2 Replies
Is there a way to filter for percentage of field left in PT4? For example, like filter for 25 percent of the field left
Wondering what multi tablers do to combat server disconnects.
I won't play high stake single table poker as I have suffered discos at the worst times.
Like sucking 3 streets and disco on the river. ..