Selling 12k wpt voyage ticket
Hello, im selling my 12k wpt package for march 31th.
Because its a cruise trip and expensive im willing to sell it for 10k. Feel free to text me I will reply very fast!
17 Replies
update: 1,5k I get in cash so the 10,9k ticket I will sell for 10k. I was confirmed that its possible, just unsure how to do the transaction yet
selling for 9k if paid in BTC
Going down to 8,5k in BTC
now featuring WPT montreal
Added an Email confirming that the package can be transferred and is valid for one year
Going down to 8k in BTC. Thats my final offer. Otherwise I can sell it at Wynn for 10k
Going up to 9,5k And I got 2 packages on offer both 10,9k
going up to 10k. There was a passport $ system introduced
I will take it. Lmk how the procedure is. Preferrably WPT Global transfers the money from my to your Account and vice versa the Ticket/Passport $$ from yours to mine.
Hey, sorry for the late response. I wasnt expecting someone being interested right after the t$ were announced. So WPT global does not act as middleman. Oficially (you can read it in the article aswell) they say you may transfer it to a friend. Right now I cant see the option to transfer something different to normal Dollars. Add me on Discord "goodieesports"
WPT Passport $ are still to sale!
5% discount if you buy 10k or more! 10,4k is the WPT main event in December! So play the Main event for 9,88k !
going up to 7,5% discount on any 1k+ purchase
will u transfer first and let the person play the event first. if its a well trusted person?
no, sorry
are u a well known player then? your saying if tom dwan asked to play the event first u would say no? or is this traded like so,,, u email support sayin u get x amount of cash from the buyers poker account and they get the pack added to there account? or do they add the pack to an email of your choice?
It goes to an email adress and they dont handle the money transaction. I dont know yet which payments I accept besides crypto but it should be handled as safe and secure as possible
why wouldnt they do it the most logical way? there basically making it so u can only sell to .0000001% of people right... u have to find someone who trusts u or u trust them. instead of having it were the cash is moved between poker accounts by support. having support handle both the cash and the entrys to live tourneys makes the trade 100% safe for both sides of trade and u can trade with 100% of people. there making the transaction difficult. like them assigning it to an email cant be any more of work then them trading the cash on someones account for the live tourney cash........ what else if fky with that poker site....... not user friendly at all.............. good luck selling................. so to sell your asking the buyer to trust u and send the cash first? seems like a really difficult spot to find someone who would send the cash first. but hope u sell all your live $ u have for sale.................. glgl maybe krend can vouch for u.... did he purchase any from u?