Rush and cash nl2 someone defeated??
hello, I'm wondering if any of you beat rush and cash nl2 and what strategy you had, because I would tell you that it's going rather poorly.
6 Replies
Solid strategy with 23/22% VPIP and a linear/not so complex 3 betrange will do the job.
Post flop I guess the idea is being value oriented and bluff very few spots. Population tends to overfold in certain spots and you need to find them by yourself.
But in general they are overcalling when they shouldn't and thats where most of the money comes from.
In the end what will save you is playing more and studying more, they play very bad, copying someone else's strategy won't make difference if the fundamentals are not 100% clear in your head.
Play only 2 rush and cash tables, don't try to play like you are robot. Auto-pilot = trash poker.
If you are playing 2NL on GG the rake is far too high. Mastering preflop + having a decent grasp on fundamentals post should be enough to beat the game, I assume, however the high rake (and shady allegations) make it -EV to play this format on GG IMO.
Thanks, friend. I love you, you are a wonderful community that really helps, of course when what you write appeals to me. good luck on the tables. life is crazy 😀
tell me about the results. From my experience, playing tight and aggressive may not be enough. I think sometimes you have to play more loosely. tell me about the results 😀
I want to correct a few statements on this channel.
The rake is so high on GGpoker that it is impossible to beat.
I hear this often and it is absolutely not true.
I didn't just beat that level, I raped that level and ate the players' souls
I want to correct a few statements on this channel.
The rake is so high on GGpoker that it is impossible to beat.
I hear this often and it is absolutely not true.
Yes I feel that the amount of bad fish GG bring in + rakeback do a lot to offset the rake.. I think 2nl R&C is similarly beatable to 2nl Zoom IMO.