What is a reasonable hourly win rate for a 1/2 live pro?

What is a reasonable hourly win rate for a 1/2 live pro?

Title says all.

24 April 2024 at 10:13 PM

4 Replies

Typical good reg win rates are in the neighborhood of 10-15 bb/100, which works out to be about 3-5 bb/hour. Since the bb is $2, this works out to $6-$10 / hour.

Don't quit your day job.

Not only that but even if you managed $10 per hour it isn’t the same as a $10/hr job. A $10/hr job has zero variance in your income. Work 10 hours, make $100. Work 40 hours make $400, etc. That most certainly will not be true for playing live 1/2. You will go some stretches where you play 10 hours and take in $500, $1000 or more. You’ll also go stretches where you play 10 hours and lose several hundred dollars over that time. You not only need to be a winning player but must also have the fiscal discipline to not spend a bunch of money during your winning stretches, but instead put most of those winnings aside to cover your bills and expenses when you are on a downswing.

Good players can reasonably win 10bb/hr up to 2/5, 5/10 as well it’s just harder/you have to be better/you need to game select better.

That said the vast majority of players in games up to 2/5 aren’t winning players period so take that as you will

Hey, I'm just working on a video for my YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/@LivePokerGuide) about exactly this topic. I'll publish it in a few weeks.

But I can say that - assuming a rake of 10% capped at around 6 or 5% capped at around 11 and buyins of up to 200BB - you can make around 20-25ph.

At 1/3 it's a bit more, and at 2/5 it's very possible to make 50ph, potentially even up to 70ph if you have really good games available.
