EV of hands

EV of hands

Hello guys,

I am wondering where I can find expected bb/hand for all the different starting preflop hands in 6max online. For example, how many bb/100 should I win from AK (averaged from any position)? What is the GTO winrate with AJo and what is a crusher (5-10bb/100 winner) winrate with 10Jss? Hands like 72o are easy to calculate as it is just the 1.5bb/6 lost per hand.

07 July 2024 at 06:01 PM

3 Replies

Best place to look would be in your own tracking software, assuming you had a database big enough to give useful results, maybe a million hands or so.

by AlanBostick k

Best place to look would be in your own tracking software, assuming you had a database big enough to give useful results, maybe a million hands or so.

I’m thinking OP is looking to compare his own results with a theoretically expected EV for each possible starting hand to see if there are any that he is playing poorly. Looking at his own tracker stats alone would not be helpful. He is looking for a theoretical value to compare to his personal results.

I would think that for a baseline, you could use a solver and plug a starting hand into each of the six positions and run a solve on the entire hand using GTO ranges for all opponents. Average those six values (a simple average would be fine since you are equally likely to be in any of the six positions when you are dealt that hand) and that should give something close to what you are looking for. There may be sites where such a calculation has already been done and results tabulated, but I am not aware of any off the top of my head.

by stremba70 k

I’m thinking OP is looking to compare his own results with a theoretically expected EV for each possible starting hand to see if there are any that he is playing poorly. Looking at his own tracker stats alone

I believe Alan is suggesting to collate the data for all opponent's in the OP's database
