include rake in preflop allin req. equity calc
its $1/$3
hero opens $12
BB defend with all i for $28
pot = $41
to call = $16
odds are 2.73:1
RE = 26.8%
But with $6 drop, everything changes.
pot = $35
to call = $16
odds = 2.19:1
RE = 45.66%
Am i doing it right?
1 Reply
Yes, you account for the rake or drop when figuring required equity, but you are computing required equity incorrectly.
The required equity to make a call on the end is the fraction of the bet you are contemplating calling divided by the total pot you will drag if you win, including the prior pot, the villain's bet, and your call of the villain's bet:
RE = Bet / (Pot + 2*Bet)
In the first case, the pot is 41 and the bet is 16, and the equity needed to call must be at least 16/(41+32) =22% in the case of the unraked pot and 16/(35+32) = 24% in the raked case.