Can someone explain (MTT Graph Question)
2 Replies
That's a huge gap between green and yellow line. It looks like you are not losing your fair share of flips.
green line is total $$ won ( graph is on big blinds - 18bb/100 is really good - need to move up stakes ( if this is all the same stake level )
so every 100 hands u play ur making 18bb ( lets say u play 1-2NL ( 200 NL )
18bb = 36$ 2x18
every 100 hands u play ur making 36$ profit
yellow line = evbb/100 ( measures how much u win if " the allins would all hold basically " - " u get it in 60 % fav - but u loose - this goes to the green line - but yellow line counts as 60%
basically measures how ur " running " , so your green line is above ur yellow - your running good ( above EV )
when green line is below your yellow line your running bad
hope that is clear
red lline is what u said - won w/o showdowns ( goes down every time u fold the big blind to a raise ) , goes up everytime bluff / bet n villain folds
blue line is opposite won money at SD - everytime both players show down hole cards
pretty much it
CG - red line could be positve / break even / slightly loosing, ( depends on strat )
MTTs' red line will mostly be down / tanking - dont matter - only thing is the green line