

what is considered a good winrate at rush tables NL2 NL5 NL10 and so on?

21 August 2024 at 02:49 PM

3 Replies

Considering that you will be raked around 7BB/100 hands at those stakes in R&C a 10BB/100 winrate pre rakeback would be a good winrate if you want to move up

by zber k

Considering that you will be raked around 7BB/100 hands at those stakes in R&C a 10BB/100 winrate pre rakeback would be a good winrate if you want to move up

Thanks for the info mate. Currently NL2 +30bb/100 over 100k sample and +20bb/ NL5 with 50k sample before rake. Games so soft nowdays..

based on your numbers you should have enough BR to start playing 25 NL. Since you have a big win rate you should try to move up quickly and if you loose to many buyins just move back down
