Is Dan Colman the best natural poker talent of all time?

Is Dan Colman the best natural poker talent of all time?

Revisited an old Joey Ingram podcast with Dan Colman today, I usually consider Stu the GOAT when it comes to natural poker ability, but I think Dan Colman deserves to be in that conversation. In the podcast, he talks about how he became an NL 5k HUSNG reg without ever opening a solver or even really studying off the table. He has a nearly photographic memory, and was able to recall thousands of previous hands and deduce what he should be doing with his range in different spots just by recalling prior spots and watching what other top regs he would play would do. He ignored bankroll management and would shot take against the top regs, even if he only had one buy-in for the stake. He achieved crazy success in live tournaments as well, he's 28th on the all-time money list with less than a decade of hendon mob results and won the One Drop for 15 million in 2014. Anyone have more information about Dan's career/stories about him/what happened to him post 2017?

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17 September 2024 at 01:10 AM

2 Replies

if he never used a solver, how would he know the correct play?

also anyone that uses the word "kid" when he himself is younger than the person he is calling a kid is not someone you should look up to lol

i will say tho...something he did that was very smart was quitting poker while ahead (not sure if he realized he was just on a mega heater or just didnt want to go broke)

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