Winning Global Poker Cash Game Players Input Needed
Can you provide insight into how to win the cash games (ring) on global poker?
I've done research; I've studied; and I've promptly lost about 5 buy ins per day in cash games. If I go to tournaments; I'm a winning player.
It feels inhuman when I play cash games, even at low stakes. When I play tournaments; I can 100% tell it's a person playing. Everything makes sense in how they play their hands...then cash's just...inhuman. All I can say without coming off insane.
I lost 5 buy ins this morning in cash; turn around and win 1st in a tourney. The difference is night and day. In cash games; I feel like they can see my hole cards; in tournaments, I've maybe once been suspicious of another player.
That's why I'm looking for a winning cash game player. Not someone who 'thinks' they're a winning player; an actual winning ring game player is what I'm looking for; as you'll have the best advice for beating cash games. (Only global poker players input requested - We can argue about it being the same on any site; but I'm specifically looking for GP players - Others can chime in; I just don't think it's as valuable as someone playing in the given pool)
I'm all set for tournaments; but cash games...There's a point in bad beats where you start to wonder if something more nefarious is going on; I'm there but keeping as level a head as I can.
5 Replies
I'm up around $2k at .05/.10 on Global Poker over about 130k hands spanning the last 8 or 9 years. Honestly, all of that profit might be from daily bonuses and rakeback. The site feels like a different brand of poker for sure. Something isn't right about it. I've found the only strategy that really works is to nit it up and play super tight. Just wait for big spots to go your way. It is like torture sometimes, honestly. I just went through a 16 buy in downswing because everything you could imagine went the wrong way. Happy to provide more insights later.
I'm up around $2k at .05/.10 on Global Poker over about 130k hands spanning the last 8 or 9 years. Honestly, all of that profit might be from daily bonuses and rakeback. The site feels like a different brand of poker for sure. Something isn't right about it. I've found the only strategy that really works is to nit it up and play super tight. Just wait for big spots to go your way. It is like torture sometimes, honestly. I just went through a 16 buy in downswing because everything you could imagi
Please do provide insights, because what you're beating around the bush on; I feel very similarly (I think).
Spots where I'm 95% favored; 80% favored; are not holding up at those rates. Specifically if I'm getting it in before river; I'm getting it in good; I am favored; and in some cases only 2 cards in the entire deck can save the other person....and they're getting there...again and again.
I won't lie and say I never tilt. I clearly do; everyone does, but....It's not tilt to go all in with the nut flush on flop; and watch the guy get runner runner 4 of a kind by river; right? If this happened once in a long while; I'd say 'oh jeez, better luck next time'. That said; any time I'm getting it all in; the hands are not holding up at expected. The kicker? When I have worse hand at time we both go all in; that's responsible for my biggest wins. Going in with best hand? Biggest losses.
I don't understand.
Please do provide insights, because what you're beating around the bush on; I feel very similarly (I think).
Spots where I'm 95% favored; 80% favored; are not holding up at those rates. Specifically if I'm getting it in before river; I'm getting it in good; I am favored; and in some cases only 2 cards in the entire deck can save the other person....and they're getting there...again and again.
I won't lie and say I never tilt. I clearly do; everyone does, but....It's not tilt to go all in with
I am continuing to get my @$$ handed to me on Global Poker every time I get into a big pot and I have AA. I literally never win those pots. I lose to everything. Sometimes a maniac donkey will call all in preflop with T6o and nails a boat to rub it in. I swear on my life this site is not the same as normal poker. I've been playing very seriously for 20 years with well over a million hands logged, and the variance on Global Poker is simply not even close to normal. I go through sparse crazy waves where I sun run so hot that I actually start to feel a bit bad because of how good I'm running, but the other ~97% of the time I can't even believe how awful I run. I noticed that with 99 specifically you can NEVER win the pot if you don't hit a set. Literally never once has 99 unimproved held up for me on this site, which is just absurd. If the site let you save hand histories, I'd show proof of the f***ery I experience there that just doesn't happen anywhere else. Too bad the site protects itself by not providing hand histories...
Another thing that happens every time I play on this site is that I'm often put in marginal spots where I could convince myself to call a preflop raise, but the correct play is definitely to FOLD PRE so that's what I do, then the board absolutely smashes whatever I folded. Happens WAY more often on GP than anywhere else I've played. Also, when I correctly fold a draw to a big bet/raise, I'm punished by the site running out whatever I would have needed to scoop a giant pot. When I stay in with a draw, I complete it at a far lower % than is anywhere near reasonable, and I end up losing to higher flushes/straights at a ridiculous rate that just isn't normal.
Maybe this is all variance and I'm just in one of the worst possible stretches imaginable (definitely possible).
Amazingly, thanks mostly to the daily bonuses and rakeback, I am still up ~12 BB/100 lifetime on the site, but the last ~35k hands have been some of the most insane beats and coolers I've experienced in ~1.5 million hands lifetime.
Up over 6 figures over 4 years playing 99% PLO cash.
Even did a challenge this year to start from 0 and use free money to run up a roll.
Took free daily coins, started at $2 buy ins, and ran it up to over $15k. Took almost 5 months, .10/.20 up to 2/5.
Players are horrible, and variance thus increases.
Run bad most of the time, and sun run every once and a while.
Still print.
Even if the RNG is off, it is still balanced in the end. Maybe a bit more streaky/volatile.