Check raising live games
General question.
I play live first off. 1$ - 3$
400$ Effective.
Let's say Mp opens to 15$ 9 handed and I Flat from the Sb.
34$ Pot.
Mp Range of AA-77 : Aks - A2s : Kqs - K8s : Qjs - Q8s : Ako - ATo : KQ - KJ.
Sb Range Scs. All Pocket pairs TT - 22. ATs - A6s. KQs - KTs. Qjs - Jts.
Flop comes
Ac , 7d , 4c.
To my understanding, because villain has nut and Range advantage, I should check my entire range to him.
If I have 44, 77, A7s . . . I should check them all and never donk.
Being that it's his flop, it incentives him to bet with his entire range - blab blah. Point is, if I were to donk 44 and he had KQs...he would fold and I'd make no money.
Checking allows me to make money from his Bluffs that would stab on his flop. If I donk, majority of his Bluffs would fold. So I should check raise with these hands...and of course, have Bluffs that center around it
My question is...
Playing live...players severely underbluff. First off, they don't Range bet small on boards like this. If they have Ace King...they bet big. If they have KQ...they check....
I'm situations like this, is it better to just lead with your strong hands being that you aren't making money from their bluffing candidates anyway?
And if so, should you donk with your bluffing candidates as well.
And if so, if they call (which would heavily weight their hand to Ace x), should you almost never double barrel bluffing and just give up on the turn, even if you turn more equity?
There are a lot of different questions I have regarding fishy live players so I figure I throw one of them out there.