Need a brutally honest short review of where my play is at.
6 Replies
Your frequencies and your stats overall to start off with are more important than how you play specific hands.
It does seem like you’re leaning too punty though.
Your frequencies and your stats overall to start off with are more important than how you play specific hands.
It does seem like you’re leaning too punty though.
I tend to agree to be honest with you, i think my flop turn play is pretty good most the time, but i punt like 50-65bb on the river alot, not wanting to give it up when the draws hit. I have bigger swings than what i see alot of people having.
Stats for 10nl, since ive started working alot on being more aggressive.
all stake stats
assuming we are quite similar player types by looking at some of the hands:
in my experience most people in lowstakes cash games are very face-up and most are very nitty (I always check their stats on when I sit down, you can quickly see what type of players they are, I also check how many tables they are playing simultaneously so I know whether they have a fixed strategy or play potentially more intuitively )
based on that
- I think you overplay Top pair hands, especially considering how nitty the pool is
- when you go for a bluff and they call/raise you should listen especially if they are of the tight-passive type, just give it up
- don't call river bets out of curiosity
all in all it seems you are playing quite well, just maybe a little bit more adjusting to the tendencies of the player pool
You're just clicking buttons bro. I bet you've heard all sorts of info talking about aggressive poker is winning poker etc, and you just ran with it.
You don't know why you're betting. Honestly, go through your hands and ask yourself why you bet in every spot. Was it for value or to deny equity? Because those are the only two actual reasons to bet. So the hand when you 3b 99 pre from the BB (which is an error btw, 99 likes calling. BB constructs their 3b range in a polar manner and 99 is the exact opposite of what we'd expect to see in a polar range)
You then cbet way too large on a Ten high flop (which in turn narrows villains range to mainly hands that you are losing to)
Then you barreled for like full pot on the turn. Why? What's the logic? What are you trying to accomplish? You are taking a hand that wants to navigate cheaply to showdown to realize it's equity, and instead you turn it into a bluff hoping to fold out villains TX (hint: nobody folds top pair at 10nl)
You're just firing because you don't know what else to do. For the most part we are always going to have hands in our range that want to fold, call, or raise. Use the right hands for those actions.
You're just clicking buttons bro. I bet you've heard all sorts of info talking about aggressive poker is winning poker etc, and you just ran with it.
You don't know why you're betting. Honestly, go through your hands and ask yourself why you bet in every spot. Was it for value or to deny equity? Because those are the only two actual reasons to bet. So the hand when you 3b 99 pre from the BB (which is an error btw, 99 likes calling. BB constructs their 3b range in a polar manner and 99 is
First off, I want to thank you for sticking to the assigned task and staying honest and taking the time out for your day to speak with me, I appreciate the feedback and will defiantly consider alot of it moving forward. I'm also going to assume you probably play at much higher stakes than what I currently do, with a player pool that is not opening any two "pretty" cards from any position, resulting in a 45- 65 vpip for half the players, and about a 12-17 vpip for the other half of the players that only open 77+ and Broadway cards to a open from every position- there literally might be one other player at a table that is 21-25/18-21 at a table; I doubt at your level of play you are up against players that pot it roughly 90% of the time, anytime you check. If I check called, I'm sure someone would be here saying, "you cant call a pot sized bet out of position with a 10 on the board that smacks his range." These guys generally raise when they have something. That's why I'm playing a bit more aggressive than I would otherwise against a reg table Tuesday at 10am.... not defending that 99 hand at all though, and its probably the worst punt I've had so far since i moved up. In my defense, I was kind of on tilt to AA getting rivered by QQ and then ratholing a few hands before that, and got off for the rest the day after that one. I'm generally going around 40% here in 3 bet pots for c bet sizing, I'm not sure why i went 53% here, tbh. All in all, I 95% agree with you on that hand.
Also, please do keep in mind that you are looking at 10 hands I wasn't exactly PROUD of..... I deliberately chose hands I wasn't to sure about and thought i made some blunders in; in an effort to get better feedback, than just posting hands I know i played well to show off my play- I'm trying to improve. I've tried playing GTO at these micros, it just doesn't work, when not a single one of your opponents are playing anything close to a GTO strategy. They are either FAR too aggressive, or FAR to nitty, you don't find too many solid TAG or LAG players at 10nl Ignition. 75% of these guys literally use two buttons, "CALL" and "POT.". They are NOT folding much of anything to the GTO approved 33% flop bet, unless we are in a 4 bet pot. They will call you down with literally anything and show up with all sorts of weird ****, because small bets are seen as weak by guys who don't know anything about the game and are just looking to play any two cards and hit a monster. I must be using the wrong charts or something, because in my 6max online cash chart, 99 is a mix between calling and 3 betting(right at the bottom of acceptable to 3 bet) I don't see how this is considered a major "mistake" here to be honest-- I'm also 3 betting 89s 9Ts and A5s etc etc out of the BB vs BTN. These were also, in like my first 2500 hands back after a long break, after I watched some redline play courses and was still trying to find my groove with that. I was down like 40buy ins or some **** in redline, so i really focused a lot on that, which has made a HUGE increase in my overall win rate so far.
I will strongly disagree with you though that "i don't know why I'm betting." You pick literally the one hand I've described elsewhere (although i realize you probably didn't know that) as my biggest punt at 10nl so far, to scrutinize. I agree I'm not to happy with how i that hand overall, probably should have just checked river back as played, and probably just checked called turn. Like i said, I was JUST starting to adapt to a new style of play and hadn't worked out the kinks yet. 100% solid advice no one is folding top pair there, just because *I* might do so in that spot doesn't mean they will- I've learned that now. I moved up from 5nl where nobody folded anything, and was surprised to actually be getting folds, and was still figuring out where i could apply the pressureat. Betting for Value and Protection I get and agree with you on 100%- but Just out of curiosity, why would you not be just never be betting as a bluff? Especially against a table of ABC nits that wont call flop without top pair good kicker- and will fold a made hand in a 85bbpot with 15 left behind to a 25% block bet on the river anytime a flush or straight hits? I'm almost sitting at 30bb/100 with an all in adjusted of 16.5/100, with almost equal red and blueline winnings, so my play cant be just absolutely atrocious button clicking on a sun-run, either bro.
Thanks for the quick review bro, you defiantly gave me a few things to think about, especially calling more from the blinds, I'm seriously working on this one, its hard to get comfortable doing that for me- for some reason. I genuinely appreciate your time and advice. Hope you have a good one man.
assuming we are quite similar player types by looking at some of the hands:
in my experience most people in lowstakes cash games are very face-up and most are very nitty (I always check their stats on when I sit down, you can quickly see what type of players they are, I also check how many tables they are playing simultaneously so I know whether they have a fixed strategy or play potentially more intuitively )
based on that
- I think you overplay Top pair hands, especially considering
I agree with you 100%. Does that site work for sites with anonymous tables, like Ignition? I'm assuming not, but if so that's a huge advantage I could have had all along!
That's some of the main things I've identified so far as well, just not giving up top pair when they go for it huge on the turn, for some reason I still call and see one more even though I know I'm beat and drawing at like 15-20% now lol, and over bluffing or calling it off really stupidly. I've worked on it a lot since posting this, and I have an update coming soon I think people will be happy for me for. Sorry for the delayed response, been busy all week and had a lot of internet issues when i actually had the time!
Appreciate your time, my guy!