Understanding solver reasoning...
I don't have access to a solver right now so I purchased an app called postflop + that assigns ELO scoring format to perfect solver decisions. If I make 3 solver approved decisions I get plus 3 but if I do something that's not solver approved I get a - 10 blunder score. This app has destroyed my confidence as I am - 600 right now LOL. Do you think my issue might be just not being familiar with GTO PF ranges? Like what is a good starting point for understanding solvers without one? Should I just buckle down and memorize PF ranges call, 3b and 4b the long way?? I have been playing long enough to have a general idea what the range of hands are but in the bvb spots I think I am getting destroyed because they are so wide. Any recommendations to study solvers without one would be greatly appreciated. BTW I should just come out and say I can't get a solver because I am in a minimum security prison so phone is all I have. If you have questions about poker in prison see my AMA I really just want help with solvers.
2 Replies
Unless you are playing online so your opponents are often bots or humans with RTA focus more on exploitive play vs individuals in your games than GTO.
my best advice would be to learn GTO opening, 3bet and 4bet ranges and get some info on how to navigate post. Modern Poker Theory by Michael Acevedo is supposedly very in depth, but it is highly focused around GTO concepts. YT is probably your best friend in this scenario i think. Johnathan Little has some very useful information that helped me develop my game. Blackrain79 is useful too although his concepts are pretty damn basic and may not be too helpful if you're an advanced grinder. crushlivepoker is helpful for some specific spots which can be more comprehensive if you're creative about it.
lmao at OP btw. gl bud
edit: also it's super important to not know, if you're learning GTO, at what stack depth you're playing. strategy will vary drastically based on stack depth, opening sizes 3bet sizes etc so make sure you study the right thing- eg. 40bbs, 80bbs, 100, 200 etc and whether there's an ante in play as this will alter the SPR throughout the hand. also 6max ranges differ from fr and tournaments are a nightmare as your stack size fluctuates throughout. if you just got out of prison, congrats, i just spent 36hrs in a cell for the 3rd time this year so i can only imagine what it's like behind the door. HMU via dm if you want any furtherr guidance or someone to go through hhs with, i'm always grinding online (: