Best Drug for improving at Poker?

Best Drug for improving at Poker?

Hi all and Merry Christmas,

hopefully the topic of drugs and poker doesn't violate any of 2+2's rules, if it does, please remove the thread but don't ban me. 😀

So.. pretty certainly most people will say all mind-altering things will be detrimental to my poker game but I am not sure that is true,
that's why I would like to know:

Have you taken anything to help you become more focussed/better at poker that actually worked and was sustainable?
Something to help you study poker more efficiently?

Most of the time I play drinking beer and smoking weed, grinded my bankroll up to 4k this way but this year was like +-0 and I am basically autopiloting every day.

A few days ago I have for the first time tried cocaine but I can't really tell if it makes anything better except me not getting tired so quick.

Just now I am watching a documentary about Counter-Strike where some ex-pros state they were all using Aderall.

I have no experience with pharmaceutical drugs and try to stay away except if there is no way around them.

But the documentary got me wondering..
are there any that could improve my poker game/attention/analysis without ruining my life due to side effects?

Thank you for all serious answers in advance 😀

and as I said, Merry Christmas to you all

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24 December 2024 at 03:51 PM

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