Creating new dice poker variants

Creating new dice poker variants

I am currently creating new variations of Dice Poker (5 D6's to create a hand with ranks 9,X,J,Q,K,A respectively) And am currently cataloging all the variables I could list for types of game played against other players or a house/casino respectively.
For PVP (player Vs player/s)
JacksORbetter: Hand is automatically Dead if failing to roll a pair of Jacks At least (%77 likely to succeed once)
The use of a dice cup: to conceal players hole dice/deal community dice, roll a whole hand
Drawing variables: Player decides what to keep immediately after rolling/right before rolling/As a single round with all players deciding clockwise from dealer
Limits On drawing: Players can take 3, 4 with an Ace.

If you are reading this please note I am curious about any intricacy that occurs to you regarding a new form of draw poker dice.
So far my plotting is roughly as follows
2 Players decide to play headsup and toss a single die apiece prehand to establish order, Highest is dealer A is highest. etc
My question is can you guys help me flesh out a draw poker dice game?

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25 January 2025 at 03:18 PM