Angle shooter
So I'm playing $1/3 at River's in Des Plaines yesterday.
Absolutely love the room.
New player sits down
His stack is $250
There's a $7 straddle
2 flats ahead of me, I raise to $30
New player calls
Heads up
He leads for $60 on flop
I move all in
He tanks for a minute with his hand over his stack
He calls, now there's 4 black chips on his stack.
I said, where did the black come from?
No response
Newer dealer didn't say anything
Guess I should have called the floor but really didn't feel like stopping a 1/3 game for an hour looking at video.
2 Replies
Does your room have a max buyin? A 250 stack with four blacks added is 650, likely higher than a max buy in for 1/3. If this was his first hand at the table he should not have had a bigger stack than the max buyin. You probably should have called the floor - they at least could have limited his stack to the max buyin without any need for going to the video.
So I'm playing $1/3 at River's in Des Plaines yesterday.
Absolutely love the room.
New player sits down
His stack is $250
There's a $7 straddle
2 flats ahead of me, I raise to $30
New player calls
Heads up
He leads for $60 on flop
I move all in
He tanks for a minute with his hand over his stack
He calls, now there's 4 black chips on his stack.
I said, where did the black come from?
No response
Newer dealer didn't say anything
Guess I should have called the floor but really didn't feel like stopping a 1/3 ga
This is a low life angle shoot for sure. If you a 100% sure about the post all-in call add-on there no shame in getting the floor involved.
I have seen this same thing happen a couple times in hands I wasn't invoilved in.