Study Group

Study Group

Hey guys,
I am looking for a poker study group for over the summer when I intend to push from 25NL->100NL 6max cash and also diversify my game into both heads up and tourneys. Happy to focus on any of the above while studying.

What I'm looking for is a theory orientated study group which isn't overly focused on just simplifying the game tree in every node but rather which looks to construct their strategies based on theory, logic and nuanced exploits. I've been in a few groups and in my opinion you either get a super "replicate the solver approach and simplify every spot" or a "who cares about balance, everyone is an idiot and I can play however I like and nobody will exploit me mentality"

I am looking for a group which is between the two, theory focused but not ignorant of potential avenues for exploitation and counter-exploitation on a more holistic level. As said this can be in cash or tournaments, just let me know if you know such a group or if not if given enough interest I can try to create one myself.

Should mention that I'm looking for this to be a very intensive group with daily discussion and analysis of hands and strategy by a small group fo very enthusiastic and creative players

28 April 2024 at 05:26 PM

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