Help me Fix this full swing once and for all

Help me Fix this full swing once and for all

I’ve been laid off golf for a long while playing 4 times per year or less. My best round is an 88 on a crap course and on a difficult course. Normally I shoot in the 105-110 range.

In the past I swung very hard and could hit drives 350 in Denver and 7i 175 carry but I have always fought a few severe swing flaws like OTT, casting, and a reverse pivot I think but I’m not a swing coach. I’ll leave my ****ty short game out of this thread.

My misses (frequent) are dead pull, banana sliced and recently some terrible fat chunks

For a while I tried to find accuracy by swinging lighter and shortening backswing but the modifications to this just jacked with my tempo and towards the end had me so twisted up I was not even making a shoulder turn.

After a few months off I’m trying to return to the basics and feel like I had a bit of an epiphany as follows.

The swing is fundamentally only two movements: a shoulder turn back and then separately a hip turn forwards. You can isolate these from each other and if you do them both the hands and arms tend to fall into place. I’ve been practicing this three times and I feel like this is better contact through the whole bag than ever before.

I’d like to post some swings in this thread and I welcome feedback. Here is the first sample 7i from today. Future videos will follow swing film guidance posted in the forum.


07 April 2019 at 01:14 AM

6 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Hey peeps, been just over a year since the last video I uploaded.

I've been down the rabbit hole and back. Got way too into youtube tips and trying too many feels and swing thoughts. My swing got really twitchy, really inconsistent, and just not fun. Yes I built a sim. Some kind of investment for a golfer like me..

In an effort to simplify things, i've developed what is somewhat of a novel strategy for me.

In essence, i'm picturing the swing plane as a circle around my body. Once I take my setup, it's almost as simple as making the circle, and then pushing against the direction of the force of the circle with my lead leg as I get through the ball. The plane is steeper with wedges, and flatter with driver. It's really a feeling of almost pulling my body against the momentum of the club, to "crack the whip" so to speak.

There's really only two swing thoughts here - one is to keep my hands low during the takeaway to widen the circle. The other is to feel the pressure of my lead knee coming in towards the center, over my lead foot toe more or less. Then unwind from there.

This seems to remove any need for thoughts of wrist flexion, timing for initiation of downswing, shallowing, actively moving my hips in a certain way, etc. The club almost seems to square itself. Suddenly I can hit a fairway wood.

This is a developing story. I've only had one chance to test this out on the course with some great success. Shot 49-42 on a 6700 yards course, including 3 GIRs from over 200 yards with 3i and 5i (unusual for me!).

Broken YouTube Link

I think you're just going to be limited in how far you can hit it and how clean your strikes are by the lack of body involvement in the swing.

Even if you look at someone with a similarly looking short swing (think Rahm), he is extending his torso and turning his upper body way more in the backswing. Your backswing looks like it's all arms instead of the body turning and that being the generator to get the arms and club back.

I feel like if you've had a thread up about fixing your swing you've learned the hard truth by now which is: It's really hard to make swing changes and play good golf at the same time.

This current swing configuration for you can lead to consistency with strikes and playing decent golf if you practice how it feels enough, but I feel like your distance and compression of the ball is going to be greatly limited without getting the body more involved.

That swing gets me ballspeeds of 140-150 with driver off a clubhead speed of 95-100MPH and I hit my game improvement irons as far as I want. If I step on a 7i it's flying 180+ and rolling out to around 200 yards.

Distance isn't really the limiting factor for me, even if I could probably eke out a few more MPH of clubhead speed. Prior to my wrist injury last year I was reaching 110MPH with driver.

To be fair, the video I just uploaded was a little 3/4 P wedge 100 yard shot. I'll try to get a driver video up to show how much shoulder turn I'm making with that club.

the real story here is that you built yourself an awesome simulator for yourself. should make it easy to find time to practice more often. well done.

Here’s a full driver swing

Broken YouTube Link

may i suggest bringing the hands closer to the body
let the arms relax and fall straight down from your setup posture as the start
may not be much different from the current situation but shouldn't hurt to try and see what happens
