THE Official 2024 PGA Tour Season Thread

THE Official 2024 PGA Tour Season Thread

I don't have a fancy OP or anything. But now that we are in 2024, and are back to calendar schedules instead of the reach-around schedule, its time for a new thread.

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18 January 2024 at 06:51 PM

723 Replies


Seems to be a lot of value in Luke List and MacKenzie Hughes, both currently T2 with 2 wins each on tour. List won at Torrey a couple years ago which is a ball striker’s course same as Riviera.

The signing for a correct scorecard debate is just perfect for X.

Ultimately I don't care strongly enough one way or the other, but it is absolutely the most on-brand kind of topic that is unique to golf.

The big question for today will Balionis be wearing a wedding ring 😀

five way lead tie
will the custodian pushing the broomstick
sell victorious

5-way lead w all leaders on the back 9

so many storylines


don't MEZZ around w Will Z imo

by ligastar k

don't MEZZ around w Will Z imo

no herky with the beef jerky today
snap into a slim him

mats yo mamma

the custodian testing his short game prowess

hideki ya kidding me?

by REDeYeS00 k

mats yo mamma

by ligastar k

hideki ya kidding me?


paid 152-to-1 to win when you lifted your head off your pillow this manana

you ain't able to get that price ahora

if Hideki birides #17 and #18 he'll tie Ted Tryba's (yes, Ted Tryba) course record

Will Z taking the MEZZ's lie angle to almost 90* at set-up

taking the putter straight back and straight through from that position is as easy as buttering your toast during your AM breakfast feasts

by ligastar k

if Hideki birides #17 and #18 he'll tie Ted Tryba's (yes, Ted Tryba) course record

blind in one eye, deaf in the other

by REDeYeS00 k

blind in one eye, deaf in the other

didn't know what the fk you were referencing

jeebus man

Tryba was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. When he was four years old, he lost the sight in his left eye as the result of a freak accident. "I was standing in my yard on a windy day watching a big branch fall out of a tree. It got on me quick and hit me in the eye." All he could do was learn to adjust to his vision handicap. "I really had no big adjustments to make," he said. "If there is such a thing as a lucky accident, I guess that was it. If it had happened when I was a teenager or in my 20s, I may have had some problems. I see things a little different than everybody else. Sometimes it makes it difficult to do things, but I've never used it as a crutch."

lol 172 mph ball speed w a 3w from the fairway

by ligastar k

didn't know what the fk you were referencing

jeebus man

all in fun, he had the same attitude

by ligastar k

lol 172 mph ball speed w a 3w from the fairway

hittin' 'em off the deck
the mats you see at the range aren't for masters

hideki triple triple tap

a couple of straws on the broomstick have become frayed here down the stretch

all Hideki has to do now is don't pull a SPEEF

by ligastar k

a couple of straws on the broomstick have become frayed here down the stretch

hard to argue hideki and shota
