Filming your swing for analysis - help us help you!

Filming your swing for analysis - help us help you!

Hey all, I know there are a lot of request to "view my swing" on here, and I thought I'd offer a few tips to help film them so we can see the proper positions. Analyzing swings on video is pretty tough - youtube is hard to stop in certain positions, and it's more difficult if the camera angle is off - even slightly. If you'd like to video your swing, here's a couple tips:

1) from down the line (DTL), place the camera directly in line with the butt of the club at that height. If you don't have a tripod, use your bag or bag stand - those are about the same height. It's really important to aim the camera at the butt of the club and parallel to the target line - if you align the camera on the target line, the swing will look very different. Please don't have your friend hold the camera at eye-level - that doesn't work very well. Laying a club or alignment rod down below your hands, parallel to the target line tends to help when you're setting up the camera.

2) from face-on try to align the camera again directly at the butt of the club, perpendicular to the target line, again at butt of the club height. This is important for weight shift and ball position. I'm not trying to be nit-picky with angles, but it's pretty important to get these as close as possible if you want the best (and quickest) analysis.

Since youtube makes it almost impossible to stop frames at the right places, and I know most of you don't have super high-speed cameras, I've asked Spenda to chime in on how he slows down his videos. He mentioned he uses a software that allows him to slow it down to 10% & it is awesome for analysis. I'm sure he'll post on here & can share some insight on how to do it. If you can slow your swing down on video that would be really helpful!

The last thing is, please describe your "misses" - if you usually hit hooks, slices, tops, whatever, drop a little description about the ball flight - example "My driver usually starts left of the target and curves hard right, and when I mis-hit it, it is usually low on the face or I top it." - Believe it or not, that goes a long way to helping us diagnose the cause of the problem & we can get you playing your best much faster!

Once again, thanks for all the videos that have been posted so far - I enjoy helping, and don't want to sound picky, but it takes a while to really look at a swing, and getting those camera angles correct helps a ton! The same camera angles apply for wedges & putters. Now that I mention it, I don't think we've had a putter video since I've been on here - does no one have putting problems? Ha Ha! Feel free to post those as well!

Keep on posting - just thought I'd try to make the process a little easier for everyone and hopefully Spenda can provide some insight on how to slow the action down.

Thanks again - looking forward to seeing some new swings soon!

11 May 2011 at 01:34 PM