Bug - Data report issues

Bug - Data report issues

Discrepancies found between plot and results summary:

Both numbers (4 and 3.66) seem wrong compared to PartyPoker results.

In addition, I find ~20% of my wins missing in the general report view.

However, I didnt find any particular case when reviewing hand by hand. Maybe it's a bug when aggregating the data?

I am running in a Mac and the hands are from PartyPoker.

11 January 2024 at 07:12 AM

5 Replies

Hello. What is the difference? What hands were missed


The Won value in the plot after the last hand is 4 but the results summary (row at the bottom) bottom 3.66.
I would expect this numbers to be the same.

Additionally in the pokersite y played this (partypoker) showed my winnings higher than 4.

Note that the number of hands match.

Could you, please, provide us with the additional information:

Close Hand2Note.
Delete the log folder from Documents/Hand2Note4/logs
Reproduce the problem.
Close Hand2Note.
Archive the folder Documents/Hand2Note4/logs
Send the folder

And could you send the hands where winning is incorrect?

Thanks for the help. I did what you described.

Unfortunately I could not find any single hand that reproduces the error. I reviewed some of them and they are ok. In the single hands reports.

How can I send you the folder?

You can send it to [email]support@hand2note.com[/email]
