Mac Beta Version Not Importing My Hands
Hello, I downloaded the Mac Beta Version but I'm not able to import my own hands to the software, only use the test database. When I click Import from folder" or "Import from file" it plays a sound and nothing happens. I tried auto import from my Hand histories folder but it doesn't work. Is there any restriction on the beta version?
7 Replies
What room are those hands from? And where did you get them?
I'm having similar problems. Sometimes I can import hands, and sometimes it won't work. I've imported hands from Ignition using the files downloaded directly from Ignition. (This hasn't always worked, but today it did.) But I can't import hands from Pokertracker 4. I've tried using Import from Database. I've also tried using Import from Folder and Import from File, using the files exported from Pokertracker 4. I click "import," and it looks like the app is doing something, but then no new hands show up in Hand2Note. I know the hands I'm trying to import are not already in my Hand2Note database.
Ignition Hands which could be downloaded from Ignition, are not supported yet.
But the hands downloaded from Ignition are mostly working correctly.
What about importing hands from Poker Tracker? Is that supported?
Unfortunately, the hands are not supported yet
Same, press import from folder button and it just sounds a beep and no further response. Very frustrating :(.
Import from PT4 database works