Expression stats for multiple bet sizings on different boards
Hello, I would like to create few expression stats for the bet sizings that opponents use on different textures.
Spot = SRP, heads up, IP.
Something like this, with the bet sizings shown as % (TOT BET+CHECK = 100%)
I suppose I need to create expression stats like :
Case(bet big) / Case(went to flop heads up, as the IP initial raiser)
But I'm not sure how to write it properly, which stats I need to create and how to sort the different kind of boards.
Any help with that would be appreciated !!
Also, another question but I recently received a mail from h2n support which says that they added a stats package name 'test' to my account and idk what it means.
Thank for your help
4 Replies
Unfortunately, there is no way to create such stats using expressions.
You have to create all the necessary stats in the Stats Editor and then add those to your popup.
In order to make the creation of stats faster, you can first create all the postflop stats -> then add those to your popup -> and then clone the entire popup for each board using the Mass Clone feature:
Ok, but is there any way to convert a stat in percentage by using expression stats ?
Like, let's say a villain is cbetting 80% IP SRP.
When I dig through the size, it looks like =
Bet small 30
Bet half 20
Bet big 30
So when I insert the "CBET BIG" stat in my popup, it displays "30" like if my opponent was using the bigger size 30% of the time, while he's actually using it 37.5% of the time (30/80*100).
Also, is there any way to see the ev an the sample of an action anywhere ? It was written on h2n3 but I can't see it on h2n4
If I got you right, you could try this expression:
Cases (Bet big) / (Cases(Bet small) + Cases (bet half) + Cases (bet big)) * 100
Action Profit can now be checked in Reports:
It worked like a charm, thanks for your help !