Numbers instead of Nicknames in the hud

Numbers instead of Nicknames in the hud

When playing on ClubGG, the hud displays numbers instead of nicknames at the tables, so it's kind of impossible to know if the specific stats match the player.
Could anyone help with this issue?
Thank you!

11 March 2024 at 10:07 PM

2 Replies


There is no information about players' nicknames in the text of the hand history on ClubbGG, only their IDs.

You can click on any player and find his ID under his avatar.

Everybody that signs up for Clubgg is given a number like that. People too lazy to change it leave it. Unless they do something in the game and you make notes you won't know much about them. After 3 months on Clubgg some still haven't changed to a user name but the notes stay with them.
