Partial Stats and Profiles issue

Partial Stats and Profiles issue


Yesterday, H2N was working normally with the Default profile. Today, the Default profile does not load but the Pro Static does.

The second problem is that it loads only one player's data. In the others, two dashes (--) appear in each stat.

UPDATE: As you can see in the image, there are no data at all, but sometimes the data of one player appears.

Any idea how to solve it?

21 March 2024 at 04:39 PM

3 Replies

I did use Import > Clean & Rebuild Statistics. Now is working again.


Could you please try to follow the next steps:

1. Close all the tables.

2. In the Configuration -> Game Types, click on Reset to default (If you don't see the Reset button, just scroll down)

3. Select your custom HUD and Popup profiles for your preferred game type, for example:

4. Now it is necessary to rebuild the statistics (click on "Clean & Rebuild Statistics"):

Thank you. As I mentioned above, I did use Import > Clean and Rebuild Statistics. Now it is working again.
