H2N not importing all hands from PokerCraft

H2N not importing all hands from PokerCraft


I've noticed that the number of hands played on PokerCraft (GGpoker) does not match the number of hands H2Note imports. There is a huge difference - PokerCraft shows ~2500 hands, H2Note only 1500. I downloaded all the txt files (about 20), imported them one by one, and still there is a mismatch.

Anyone experienced the same? Any explanation for this?

6max Cash game hands.


) 1 View 1
21 May 2024 at 03:14 PM

3 Replies


As far as we know, the number of hands displayed in PokerCraft is usually higher than the actual number of hands available for download. This issue is common and encountered by most players, sometimes the number of hands shown in PokerCraft is 1.5 to 2 times higher.

However, if you encounter examples of hands that are not being imported, please send them to us at [email]support@hand2note.com[/email]

by Hand2note k


As far as we know, the number of hands displayed in PokerCraft is usually higher than the actual number of hands available for download. This issue is common and encountered by most players, sometimes the number of hands shown in PokerCraft is 1.5 to 2 times higher.

However, if you encounter examples of hands that are not being imported, please send them to us at [email]support@hand2note.com[/email]

Perfect, thank you for the info!
I can absolutely believe that Pokercraft is at fault here.

★ Recommended Post

You can now get a rake-adjusted accurate graph in PokerCraft.

I just built a Chrome extension that will replace the incorrect default graph with a rake-adjusted version.


Try it out and let me know if you have any feedback
