Coin poker currency

Coin poker currency

The currency recognized by Hand2Note for Coin Poker is T (tether). Can i change that so that Hand2Note converts it to $ Dollars? When i combine results from other sites/aliases, it is not correctly adding up Dollars and Tether correctly.

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14 January 2025 at 07:50 PM

2 Replies


Unfortunately, there is no such an option yet. However, we have in plans to implement Main Currency as well as it was in Hand2Note 3. Yet, there is no any ETA for that.

You can send us a few examples where we can see incorrect USDT/USD converting so we can check that out!

Go to currencies and change the conversion rate of usd/cpcc and usd/mnt to 1

side note:
it really seems like h2n4 is way too buggy still to be out of beta and charging for a sub considering how expensive the software is.
