H2N4.1 - Mass clone in Popup Editor

H2N4.1 - Mass clone in Popup Editor


I have questions about mass clone in Popup Editor.

First, can you tell me if we can Massclone PopUp "A" ? If yes, can you tell me how? If no, can you tell me if it will be possible?

Secondly, can you answer to the previously questions for the TAB "B" ?

Finally, i created the inner tabs (where we can see "d" and "e"). When i click on the tab, i have the option "mass clone", but when i try to do it, nothing happen.

In this case, i do the same process when i massclone a table. Can you tell me, if it is possible to mass clone tab, and how do it?

Thank you

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05 March 2025 at 07:03 PM

1 Reply

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Hello Akutsu!

Unfortunately, the Mass Clone feature can't be used for cloning the whole tabs, sorry. You should select the needed stats within this tab and mass clone them. After that, you can create a new tab and move your cloned stats to it.

If you have any additional questions. I'd be glad to help you!
