H2N vs hero stats reset each day
Every day I play a new session the Vs hero stats reset to 0 and start over. Not sure why this is happening. The normal stats are kept track of properly, but the vs hero stats are not.
4 Replies
Could you please specify the room you play and your Hand2Note version? You can also take a screenshot where we can see your table and Hand2Note window while playing?
Make sure to screenshot full windows with all borders in the frame.
In Hand2Note 4, open the Updates section and select your Room.
Thanks in advance!
I was playing on CoinPoker. The version is
I can't get a screen shot, because Hand2note won't open for some reason. Just stays frozen on the loading screen.
Sorry for such a delay with an answer.
Could you try deleting these folders and all files except the hands folder from the path where your database is stored? By default, it's located here: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Hand2Note\Databases\Name of your database:

Then launch Hand2Note and click on 'Build Statistics'

If it doesn't help, you'll have to delete the entire database, unfortunately. But you can restore your hands by importing the following folders C:\Hand2NoteHh\ and C:\MyHandsArchive_H2N\ to the new database.
Per your initial request. We've received other requests for similar issue and will fix that in the further updates!
It turns out that I just had to wait a bit longer. I had done a 24+ hour session on CoinPoker and perhaps that had something to do with the delay since that is abnormal behavior on my behalf, but it did eventually open.